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ODENormMethod Property
The error norm.

Namespace: Imsl.Math
Assembly: ImslCS (in ImslCS.dll) Version:
public virtual ODEErrorNormOptions NormMethod { get; set; }

Property Value

Type: ODEErrorNormOptions
An ODE.ErrorNormOptions specifying the error norm.

Default: NormMethod = ODE.ErrorNormOptions.MinAbsRel.

NormMethod must be one of the values specified in the table which follows. In the following table, e_i is the absolute value for an estimate of the error in y_i(t).

MinAbsRelMinimum of the absolute error and the relative error, equals the maximum of e_i/max(|y_i(t)|, 1)
AbsAbsolute error, equals max(e_i)
MaxMaximum of e_i/max(|y_i(t)|, floor)
EuclideanScaled Euclidean norm defined as
{s = \sqrt {\sum_{i=1}^{neq}{\frac{{e_i}^2}{{w_i}^2}}}}
where w_i = e_i/max(|y_i(t)|,1.0) and neq is the number of equations

See Also