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ODEErrorNormOptions Enumeration
ErrorNorm options

Namespace: Imsl.Math
Assembly: ImslCS (in ImslCS.dll) Version:
public enum ErrorNormOptions
  Member nameValueDescription
MinAbsRel0 Indicates that the error norm to be used is to be the minimum of the absolute error and the relative error, equals the maximum of e_i/max(|y_i(t)|, 1).
Abs1 Indicates that the error norm to be used is to be the absolute error, equals max(|e_i|).
Max2 Indicates that the error norm to be used is to be the maximum of e_i/max(|y_i(t)|, floor) where floor is set via the Floor property.
Euclidean3 Indicates that the error norm to be used is to be the scaled Euclidean norm defined as
{s = \sqrt {\sum_{i=1}^{neq}{\frac{{e_i}^2}{{w_i}^2}}}}
where w_i = e_i/max(|y_i(t)|,1.0) and neq is the number of equations.
See Also