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SuperLU Properties

The SuperLU type exposes the following members.

Public propertyColumnOrderingMethod
The method used to permute the columns of the input matrix.
Public propertyConditionNumber
The estimate of the reciprocal condition number of the matrix A.
Public propertyDiagonalPivotThreshold
The threshold used for a diagonal entry to be an acceptable pivot.
Public propertyEquilibrate
Specifies if input matrix A is equilibrated before factorization.
Public propertyEquilibrationMethod
The type of equilibration used before matrix factorization.
Public propertyForwardErrorBound
The estimated forward error bound for the solution vector.
Public propertyIterativeRefinement
The iterative refinement option.
Public propertyPivotGrowth
Specifies whether to compute the reciprocal pivot growth factor.
Public propertyReciprocalPivotGrowthFactor
The reciprocal pivot growth factor.
Public propertyRelativeBackwardError
The componentwise relative backward error of the solution vector.
Public propertySymmetricMode
The symmetric mode option.
See Also