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ANCOVA Constructor
Constructs a one-way classification model with covariates.

Namespace: Imsl.Stat
Assembly: ImslCS (in ImslCS.dll) Version:
public ANCOVA(
	double[][] responses,
	double[][][] covariates


Type: SystemDouble
A double matrix containing the responses. Each row in responses corresponds to a treatment group. Each row of responses can contain a different number of observations. There must be at least two groups (
            \mbox{responses.Length} > 1).
Type: SystemDouble
A three-dimensional double array containing the covariates. The first dimension corresponds to the number of covariates (consider each element an individual covariate matrix or covariates.Length = number of covariates). Each row in covariates[i] corresponds to a treatment group. There must be the same number of rows, for each covariate, as there are in the responses matrix (covariates[i].Length = responses.Length). There must be at least one covariate ( \mbox{covariate.Length} > 1). Each row of covariates[i] must contain the same number of elements as the corresponding row in responses

(covariates[i][j].Length = responses[j].Length).

See Also