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Imsl.Stat Namespace
Imsl.Stat namespace contains a wide range of statistical classes, including summary statistics, regression, and ANOVA.
Public classAllDeletedException
There are no observations.
Public classAllMissingException
There are no observations.
Public classAltSeriesAccuracyLossException
The magnitude of alternating series sum is too small relative to the sum of positive terms to permit a reliable accuracy.
Public classANCOVA
Analyzes a one-way classification model with covariates.
Public classANOVA
Analysis of Variance table and related statistics.
Public classANOVAFactorial
Analyzes a balanced factorial design with fixed effects.
Public classARAutoUnivariate
Automatically determines the best autoregressive time series model using Akaike's Information Criterion.
Public classARMA
Computes least-square estimates of parameters for an ARMA model.
Public classARMAEstimateMissing
Estimates missing values in a time series collected with equal spacing. Missing values can be replaced by these estimates prior to fitting a time series using the ARMA class.
Public classARMAMaxLikelihood
Computes maximum likelihood estimates of parameters for an ARMA model with p and q autoregressive and moving average terms respectively.
Public classARMAOutlierIdentification
Detects and determines outliers and simultaneously estimates the model parameters in a time series whose underlying outlier free series follows a general seasonal or nonseasonal ARMA model. This class also allows computation of forecasts.
Public classARSeasonalFit
Estimates the optimum seasonality parameters for a time series using an autoregressive model, AR(p), to represent the time series.
Public classAutoARIMA
Automatically identifies time series outliers, determines parameters of a multiplicative seasonal \text{ARIMA}(p,0,q)\times(0,d,0)_s
             model and produces forecasts that incorporate the effects of outliers whose effects persist beyond the end of the series.
Public classAutoCorrelation
Computes the sample autocorrelation function of a stationary time series.
Public classBadVarianceException
The input variance is not in the allowed range.
Public classCategoricalGenLinModel
Analyzes categorical data using logistic, probit, Poisson, and other linear models.
Public classCdf
Cumulative probability distribution functions.
Public classChiSquaredTest
Chi-squared goodness-of-fit test.
Public classClassificationVariableException
The ClassificationVariable vector has not been initialized.
Public classClassificationVariableLimitException
The Classification Variable limit set by the user through setUpperBound has been exceeded.
Public classClassificationVariableValueException
The number of distinct values for each Classification Variable must be greater than 1.
Public classClusterHierarchical
Performs a hierarchical cluster analysis from a distance matrix.
Public classClusterKMeans
Perform a K-means (centroid) cluster analysis.
Public classClusterNoPointsException
There is a cluster with no points.
Public classConstrInconsistentException
The equality constraints are inconsistent.
Public classContingencyTable
Performs a chi-squared analysis of a two-way contingency table.
Public classCovariances
Computes the sample variance-covariance or correlation matrix.
Public classCovarianceSingular1Exception
The variance-Covariance matrix is singular.
Public classCovarianceSingular2Exception
The variance-Covariance matrix is singular.
Public classCovarianceSingularException
The variance-Covariance matrix is singular.
Public classCrossCorrelation
Computes the sample cross-correlation function of two stationary time series.
Public classCyclingIsOccurringException
Cycling is occurring.
Public classDeleteObservationsException
The number of observations to be deleted (set by setObservationMax) has grown too large.
Public classDidNotConvergeException
The iteration did not converge.
Public classDifference
Differences a seasonal or nonseasonal time series.
Public classDiffObsDeletedException
Different observations are being deleted from return matrix than were originally entered.
Public classDiscriminantAnalysis
Performs a linear or a quadratic discriminant function analysis among several known groups.
Public classDissimilarities
Computes a matrix of dissimilarities (or similarities) between the columns (or rows) of a matrix.
Public classEigenvalueException
An error occured in calculating the eigenvalues of the adjusted (inverse) covariance matrix. Check the input covariance matrix.
Public classEmpiricalQuantiles
Computes empirical quantiles.
Public classEmptyGroupException
There are no observations in a group. Cannot compute statistics.
Public classEqConstrInconsistentException
The equality constraints and the bounds on the variables are found to be inconsistent.
Public classFactorAnalysis
Performs Principal Component Analysis or Factor Analysis on a covariance or correlation matrix.
Public classFaureSequence
Generates the low-discrepancy Faure sequence.
Public classGammaDistribution
Evaluates a gamma probability density for a given set of data.
Public classGARCH
Computes estimates of the parameters of a GARCH(p,q) model.
Public classIllConditionedException
The problem is ill-conditioned.
Public classIncreaseErrRelException
The bound for the relative error is too small.
Public classInitialMAException
The initial values for the moving average parameters are not invertable. Execution is halted.
Public classInvalidMatrixException
Exception thrown if a computed correlation is greater than one for some pair of variables.
Public classInvalidPartialCorrelationException
Exception thrown if a computed partial correlation is greater than one for some pair of variables.
Public classInvCdf
Inverse cumulative probability distribution functions.
Public classInverseCdf
Inverse of user-supplied cumulative distribution function.
Public classKalmanFilter
Performs Kalman filtering and evaluates the likelihood function for the state-space model.
Public classKaplanMeierECDF
Computes the Kaplan-Meier reliability function estimates or the CDF based on failure data that may be multi-censored.
Public classKaplanMeierEstimates
Computes Kaplan-Meier (or product-limit) estimates of survival probabilities for a sample of failure times that possibly contain right consoring.
Public classKolmogorovOneSample
The class KolmogorovOneSample performs a Kolmogorov-Smirnov goodness-of-fit test in one sample.
Public classKolmogorovTwoSample
Performs a Kolmogorov-Smirnov two-sample test.
Public classLackOfFit
Performs lack-of-fit test for a univariate time series or transfer function given the appropriate correlation function.
Public classLifeTables
Computes population (current) or cohort life tables based upon the observed population sizes at the middle (for population table) or the beginning (for cohort table) of some user specified age intervals.
Public classLinearRegression
Fits a multiple linear regression model with or without an intercept.
Public classLinearRegressionCaseStatistics
Inner Class CaseStatistics allows for the computation of predicted values, confidence intervals, and diagnostics for detecting outliers and cases that greatly influence the fitted regression.
Public classLinearRegressionCoefficientTTestsValue
CoefficientTTestsValue contains statistics related to the regression coefficients.
Public classLogNormalDistribution
Evaluates a lognormal probability density for a given set of data.
Public classMatrixSingularException
The input matrix is singular.
Public classMersenneTwister
A 32-bit Mersenne Twister generator.
Public classMersenneTwister64
A 64-bit Mersenne Twister generator.
Public classMoreObsDelThanEnteredException
More observations are being deleted from the output covariance matrix than were originally entered (the corresponding row, column of the incidence matrix is less than zero).
Public classMultiCrossCorrelation
Computes the multichannel cross-correlation function of two mutually stationary multichannel time series.
Public classMultipleComparisons
Performs Student-Newman-Keuls multiple comparisons test.
Public classNegativeFreqException
A negative frequency was encountered.
Public classNegativeWeightException
A negative weight was encountered.
Public classNewInitialGuessException
The iteration has not made good progress.
Public classNoAcceptableModelFoundException
No appropriate ARIMA model could be found.
Public classNoConvergenceException
Convergence did not occur within the maximum number of iterations.
Public classNoDegreesOfFreedomException
No degrees of freedom error.
Public classNonInvertibleException
The solution is noninvertible.
Public classNonlinearRegression
Fits a multivariate nonlinear regression model using least squares.
Public classNonPositiveEigenvalueException
Maximum number of iterations exceeded.
Public classNonPosVarianceException
The problem is ill-conditioned.
Public classNonPosVarianceXYException
The problem is ill-conditioned.
Public classNonStationaryException
The solution is nonstationary.
Public classNoPositiveVarianceException
No variable has positive variance. The Mahalanobis distances cannot be computed.
Public classNoProgressException
The algorithm is not making any progress. Try a new initial guess.
Public classNormalDistribution
Evaluates the normal (Gaussian) probability density for a given set of data.
Public classNormalityTest
Performs a test for normality.
Public classNormOneSample
Computes statistics for mean and variance inferences using a sample from a normal population.
Public classNormTwoSample
Computes statistics for mean and variance inferences using samples from two normal populations.
Public classNotCDFException
The function is not a Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF).
Public classNotPositiveDefiniteException
Covariance matrix is not positive definite.
Public classNotPositiveSemiDefiniteException
Covariance matrix is not positive semi-definite.
Public classNotSemiDefiniteException
Hessian matrix is not semi-definite.
Public classNoVariablesEnteredException
No Variables can enter the model.
Public classNoVariablesException
No variables can enter the model.
Public classNoVariationInputException
There is no variation in the input data.
Public classNoVectorXException
No vector X satisfies all of the constraints.
Public classPartialCovariances
Class PartialCovariances computes the partial covariances or partial correlations from an input covariance or correlation matrix.
Public classPdf
Probability density functions.
Public classPoissonDistribution
Evaluates a Poisson probability density of a given set of data.
Public classPooledCovarianceSingularException
The pooled variance-Covariance matrix is singular.
Public classProportionalHazards
Analyzes survival and reliability data using Cox's proportional hazards model.
Public classRandom
Generate uniform and non-uniform random number distributions.
Public classRankDeficientException
The model has been determined to be rank deficient.
Public classRankException
Rank of covariance matrix error.
Public classRanks
Compute the ranks, normal scores, or exponential scores for a vector of observations.
Public classRegressorsForGLM
Generates regressors for a general linear model.
Public classScaleFactorZeroException
The computations cannot continue because a scale factor is zero.
Public classSelectionRegression
Selects the best multiple linear regression models.
Public classSelectionRegressionSummaryStatistics
SummaryStatistics contains statistics related to the regression coefficients.
Public classSignTest
Performs a sign test.
Public classSingularException
Covariance matrix is singular.
Public classSingularTriangularMatrixException
Triangular matrix is singular.
Public classSort
A collection of sorting functions.
Public classStepwiseRegression
Builds multiple linear regression models using forward selection, backward selection, or stepwise selection.
Public classStepwiseRegressionCoefficientTTestsValue
CoefficientTTestsValue contains statistics related to the student-t test, for each regression coefficient.
Public classSummary
Computes basic univariate statistics.
Public classSumOfWeightsNegException
The sum of the weights have become negative.
Public classTableMultiWay
Tallies observations into a multi-way frequency table.
Public classTableMultiWayTableBalanced
Tallies the number of unique values of each variable.
Public classTableMultiWayTableUnbalanced
Tallies the frequency of each cell in x.
Public classTableOneWay
Tallies observations into a one-way frequency table.
Public classTableTwoWay
Tallies observations into a two-way frequency table.
Public classTooManyCallsException
The number of calls to the function has exceeded the maximum number of iterations times the number of moving average (MA) parameters+1.
Public classTooManyFunctionEvaluationsException
Maximum number of function evaluations exceeded.
Public classTooManyIterationsException
Maximum number of iterations exceeded.
Public classTooManyIterationsReTryException
The maximum number of iterations was exceeded, increase maximum iterations or try a different parameter estimation method.
Public classTooManyJacobianEvalException
Maximum number of Jacobian evaluations exceeded.
Public classTooManyObsDeletedException
More observations have been deleted than were originally entered (the sum of frequencies has become negative).
Public classUserBasisRegression
Generates summary statistics using user-supplied functions in a nonlinear regression model.
Public classVarsDeterminedException
The variables are determined by the equality constraints.
Public classWilcoxonRankSum
Performs a Wilcoxon rank sum test.
Public classZeroNormException
The computations cannot continue because the Euclidean norm of the column is equal to zero.
Public interfaceICdfFunction
Interface for the user-supplied cumulative distribution function to be used by InverseCdf and ChiSquaredTest.
Public interfaceIDistribution
Public interface for the user-supplied distribution function.
Public interfaceIProbabilityDistribution
Public interface for a user-supplied probability distribution.
Public interfaceIRandomSequence
Interface implemented by generators of random or quasi-random multidimension sequences.
Public interfaceIRegressionBasis
Interface for user supplied function to UserBasisRegression object.
Public interfaceNonlinearRegressionIDerivative
Public interface for the user supplied function to compute the derivative for NonlinearRegression.
Public interfaceNonlinearRegressionIFunction
Public interface for the user supplied function for NonlinearRegression.
Public interfaceRandomBaseGenerator
Base pseudorandom number.
Public enumerationANOVAComputeOption
Compute option.
Public enumerationANOVAFactorialErrorCalculation
ErrorCalculation members indicate whether interaction effects are pooled into the error or not.
Public enumerationARAutoUnivariateParamEstimation
Parameter Estimation procedures.
Public enumerationARMAParamEstimation
Parameter Estimation procedures.
Public enumerationARMAEstimateMissingMissingValueEstimation
Missing value estimation methods.
Public enumerationARSeasonalFitCenterMethod
Methods for centering the input time series.
Public enumerationAutoARIMAInformationCriterion
Indicates which information criterion is used in the optimum model search.
Public enumerationAutoCorrelationStdErr
Standard Error computation method.
Public enumerationCategoricalGenLinModelDistributionParameterModel
Indicates the function used to model the distribution parameter.
Public enumerationClusterHierarchicalLinkage
Specifies the type of linkage.
Public enumerationClusterHierarchicalTransformation
Specifies the type of transformation.
Public enumerationCovariancesMatrixType
Specifies the type of matrix to be computed.
Public enumerationCrossCorrelationStdErr
Standard Error computation method.
Public enumerationDiscriminantAnalysisClassification
Classification method.
Public enumerationDiscriminantAnalysisCovarianceMatrix
Covariance matrix type.
Public enumerationDiscriminantAnalysisDiscrimination
Discrimination methods.
Public enumerationDiscriminantAnalysisPriorProbabilities
Prior probabilities type.
Public enumerationDissimilaritiesMethod
Specifies the type of distance method.
Public enumerationDissimilaritiesScaling
Specifies the type of scaling.
Public enumerationFactorAnalysisMatrixType
Matrix type.
Public enumerationFactorAnalysisModel
Model type.
Public enumerationProportionalHazardsTieHandling
Tie handling options.
Public enumerationRanksTie
Determines how to break a tie.
Public enumerationRegressorsForGLMDummyType
Dummy variable types.
Public enumerationSelectionRegressionCriterion
Criterion Methods.
Public enumerationStepwiseRegressionDirection
Direction indicator.