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AutoCorrelationGetStandardErrors Method
Returns the standard errors of the autocorrelations of the time series x.

Namespace: Imsl.Stat
Assembly: ImslCS (in ImslCS.dll) Version:
public double[] GetStandardErrors(
	AutoCorrelationStdErr stderrMethod


Type: Imsl.StatAutoCorrelationStdErr
An int specifying the method to compute the standard errors of autocorrelations of the time series x.

Return Value

Type: Double
A double array of length maximumLag containing the standard errors of the autocorrelations of the time series x.
Method of computation for standard errors of the autocorrelation is chosen by the stderrMethod parameter.

If stderrMethod is set to Bartletts, Bartlett's formula is used to compute the standard errors of autocorrelations.

If stderrMethod is set to Morans, Moran's formula is used to compute the standard errors of autocorrelations.

See Also