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PdfHypergeometric Method
Evaluates the hypergeometric probability density function.

Namespace: Imsl.Stat
Assembly: ImslCS (in ImslCS.dll) Version:
public static double Hypergeometric(
	int k,
	int sampleSize,
	int defectivesInLot,
	int lotSize


Type: SystemInt32
An int, the argument at which the function is to be evaluated.
Type: SystemInt32
An int, the sample size, n.
Type: SystemInt32
An int, the number of defectives in the lot, m.
Type: SystemInt32
An int, the lot size, l.

Return Value

Type: Double
A double, the probability that a hypergeometric random variable takes on a value equal to k.

Method Pdf.Hypergeometric evaluates the probability density function of a hypergeometric random variable with parameters n, l, and m. The hypergeometric random variable X can be thought of as the number of items of a given type in a random sample of size n that is drawn without replacement from a population of size l containing m items of this type. The probability density function is:

{\rm{Pr}}\left( {X = k} \right) =
            \frac{{\left( {_k^m } \right)\left( {_{n - k}^{l - m} } \right)}}{{\left(
            {_n^l } \right)}}{\rm{for}} \,\,\, k = i,\;i + 1,\,i + 2\; \ldots ,\;\min
            \left( {n,m} \right)

where i = max(0, n - l + m). Pdf.Hypergeometric evaluates the expression using log gamma functions.

See Also


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