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CategoricalGenLinModel Properties

The CategoricalGenLinModel type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCaseAnalysis
The case analysis.
Public propertyCensorColumn
The column number in x which contains the interval type for each observation.
Public propertyClassificationVariableColumn
An index vector to contain the column numbers in x that are classification variables.
Public propertyClassificationVariableCounts
The number of values taken by each classification variable.
Public propertyClassificationVariableValues
The distinct values of the classification variables in ascending order.
Public propertyConvergenceTolerance
The convergence criterion.
Public propertyCovarianceMatrix
The estimated asymptotic covariance matrix of the coefficients.
Public propertyDesignVariableMeans
The means of the design variables.
Public propertyExtendedLikelihoodObservations
A vector indicating which observations are included in the extended likelihood.
Public propertyFixedParameterColumn
The column number in x that contains a fixed parameter for each observation that is added to the linear response prior to computing the model parameter.
Public propertyFrequencyColumn
The column number in x that contains the frequency of response for each observation.
Public propertyHessian
The Hessian computed at the initial parameter estimates.
Public propertyInfiniteEstimateMethod
Specifies the method used for handling infinite estimates.
Public propertyLastParameterUpdates
The last parameter updates (excluding step halvings).
Public propertyLowerEndpointColumn
The column number in x that contains the lower endpoint of the observation interval for full interval and right interval observations.
Public propertyMaxIterations
The maximum number of iterations allowed.
Public propertyModelIntercept
The intercept option.
Public propertyNRowsMissing
The number of rows of data in x that contain missing values in one or more specific columns of x.
Public propertyObservationMax
The maximum number of observations that can be handled in the linear programming.
Public propertyOptimizedCriterion
The optimized criterion.
Public propertyOptionalDistributionParameterColumn
The column number in x that contains an optional distribution parameter for each observation.
Public propertyParameters
Parameter estimates and associated statistics.
Public propertyProduct
The inverse of the Hessian times the gradient vector computed at the input parameter estimates.
Public propertyTolerance
The tolerance used in determining linear dependence.
Public propertyUpperBound
Defines the upper bound on the sum of the number of distinct values taken on by each classification variable.
Public propertyUpperEndpointColumn
The column number in x that contains the upper endpoint of the observation interval for full interval and left interval observations.
See Also