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KolmogorovTwoSample Properties

The KolmogorovTwoSample type exposes the following members.

Public propertyMaximumDifference
D^{+}, the maximum difference between the theoretical and empirical CDF's.
Public propertyMinimumDifference
D^{-}, the minimum difference between the theoretical and empirical CDF's.
Public propertyNumberMissingX
Returns the number of missing values in the x sample.
Public propertyNumberMissingY
The number of missing values in the y sample.
Public propertyOneSidedPValue
Probability of the statistic exceeding D under the null hypothesis of equality and against the one-sided alternative. An exact probability is computed if the number of observation is less than or equal to 80, otherwise an approximate probability is computed.
Public propertyTestStatistic
The test statistic, D = \max(D^{+}, D^{-}).
Public propertyTwoSidedPValue
Probability of the statistic exceeding D under the null hypothesis of equality and against the two-sided alternative. This probability is twice the probability, p_1, reported by OneSidedPValue, (or 1.0 if p_1 \ge 1/2). This approximation is nearly exact when p_1 \lt 0.1.
Public propertyZ
The normalized D statistic without the continuity correction applied.
See Also