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ARSeasonalFit Class
Estimates the optimum seasonality parameters for a time series using an autoregressive model, AR(p), to represent the time series.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Imsl.Stat
Assembly: ImslCS (in ImslCS.dll) Version:
public class ARSeasonalFit

The ARSeasonalFit type exposes the following members.

Public methodARSeasonalFit
Constructor for ARSeasonalFit.
Public methodCompute
Computes the minimum AIC and optimum values for s and d based upon the candidates provided in SInitial and DInitial, and computes the values for the transformed series, W_t(s,d).
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetAR
Returns the final autoregressive parameter estimates at the optimum in the transformed series W_t.
Public methodGetDInitial
Returns the candidate values for d to evaluate.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetOptimumD
Returns the optimum values for d selected among the candidates in DInitial.
Public methodGetOptimumS
Returns the optimum values for s selected among the candidates in SInitial.
Public methodGetSInitial
Returns the candidate values for s to evaluate.
Public methodGetTimeSeries
Returns the time series.
Public methodGetTransformedTimeSeries
Returns the transformed series, W_t(s,d).
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodSetDInitial
Sets the candidate values for selecting the optimum seasonal adjustment prior to calling the compute method.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public propertyAIC
The final estimate for Akaike's Information Criterion (AIC) at the optimum.
Public propertyAROrder
The optimum number of lags, p, for the optimum autoregressive AR(p) model. This is the value of p for the transformed series, W_t.
Public propertyCenter
The setting for centering the input time series.
Public propertyExclude
Controls whether to exclude or replace the intial values in the transformed series.
Public propertyMaxlag
The maximum lag used to fit the AR(p) model.
Public propertyNLost
The number of values in the initial part of the series lost to differencing.

ARMA time series modeling assumes the time series is stationary. Seasonal trends and cycles violate this assumption, which can lead to inaccurate predictions. However, in many cases the nonstationary series can be transformed into a stationary series by first differencing the series. For example, if the correlation is strong from one period to the next, the series might be differenced by a lag of 1. Instead of fitting a model to the original series Z_t, the model is fitted to the transformed series: W_t = Z_t - Z_{t-1}. Higher order lags or differences are warranted if the series has cycles every 4 or 13 weeks. Class ARSeasonalFit is designed to help identify the optimum differencing for a series with seasonal trends or cycles.

ARSeasonalFit assumes the original series has no missing values, is equally spaced in time and is not centered before computing the optimum differencing. However, by default the transformed series is centered using the mean of that series. Users can change this default setting with the Center property. If Center is set to None the series is not centered, if set to Mean the series is centered using the mean of the series, and if it is set to Median, the series is centered using the median of the series. If Center is set to Mean or Median then the differenced series, W_t is centered before determination of minimum AIC and optimum lag.

For every combination of rows in SInitial and DInitial, the series Z_t is converted to the seasonally adjusted series using the following computation

W_t(s,d) = \Delta^{d_1}_{s_1}\Delta^{d_2}_{s_2}
            {{d_i}\choose{j}}{(-1)}^jB^{j\cdot s_i}Z_t
where s := (s_1,\ldots,s_m), d := (d_1,\ldots,d_m) represent specific rows of arrays SInitial and DInitial respectively, and m is the number of differences, or m=SInitial.GetLength(1).

This transformation of the series Z_t to W_t (s,d) is computed using the Difference class. After this transformation the transformed series

W_t (s,d)
is centered, unless None is specified, and the ARAutoUnivariate class is used to automatically determine the optimum lag for an AR(p) representation for W_t (s,d).

This procedure is repeated for every possible combination of rows in SInitial and DInitial. The series with the minimum AIC is identified as the optimum representation and returned in the methods and properties AROrder, GetOptimumS, GetOptimumD, AIC, and GetAR. The transformed series with the minium AIC can be retrieved from the GetTransformedTimeSeries method.

See Also


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