Time Series and Forecasting


ARIMA Models

Computes least-squares or method of moments estimates

of parameters arma

Computes maximum likelihood estimates of

parameters maxArma

Computes forecasts and

their associated probability limits armaForecast

Fit a univariate, non-seasonal ARIMA time

series model regressionArima

Automatic ARIMA Selection and Fitting Utilities

Automatic selection and fitting of a univariate

autoregressive time series model. autoUniAr

Estimates the optimum seasonality parameters for a

time series using an autoregressive model seasonalFit

Detects and determines outliers and simultaneously estimates

the model parameters in a time series tsOutlierIdentification

Computes forecasts for an outlier contaminated

time series tsOutlierForecast

Automatic ARIMA modeling and forecasting in the

presence of possible outliers autoArima

Estimates structural breaks in non-stationary

univariate time series models autoParm

Bayesian Time Series Estimation

Decomposes a time series into trend, seasonal, and an

error component bayesianSeasonalAdj

Model Construction and Evaluation Utilities

Performs a Box-Cox transformation boxCoxTransform

Performs differencing on a time series difference

Sample autocorrelation function autocorrelation

Computes the sample cross

correlation function crosscorrelation

Computes the multichannel cross-correlation

function multiCrosscorrelation

Sample partial autocorrelation function partialAutocorrelation

Lack-of-fit test based on the correlation function lackOfFit

Estimates missing values in a time series estimateMissing

Exponential Smoothing Methods

Holt-Winters additive or multiplicative method hwTimeSeries

GARCH Modeling

Computes estimates of the parameters of a GARCH

(p,q) model garch

State-Space Models

Performs Kalman filtering and evaluates the likelihood

function for the state‑space model kalman

Vector Auto-Regression and Error Correction

Estimates a vector auto-regressive time series model

with optional moving average components vectorAutoregression