Appendix A, Alphabetical Summary of Routines
Links to Sections
[ A ] [ B ] [ C ] [ D ] [ E ] [ F ] [ G ] [ H ] [ I ] [ K ] [ L ] [ M ] [ N ] [ O ] [ P ]
[ Q ] [ R ] [ S ] [ T ] [ U ] [ V ] [ W ]
Function |
Purpose Statement |
Analyzes a balanced complete experimental design for a fixed, random, or mixed model. |
Analyzes a balanced incomplete block design or a balanced lattice design. |
Computes the sample autocorrelation function of a stationary time series. |
Returns a character given its ASCII value |
Produces population and cohort life tables. |
Performs an Anderson‑Darling test for normality. |
Evaluates the cumulative distribution function of the one‑sided Kolmogorov‑Smirnov goodness‑of‑fit D+ or D− test statistic based on continuous data for one sample. |
Evaluates the cumulative distribution function of the Kolmogorov‑Smirnov goodness‑of‑fit D test statistic based on continuous data for two samples |
Analyzes a Latin square design. |
Evaluates the lognormal cumulative probability distribution function. |
This function evaluates the inverse of the lognormal cumulative probability distribution function. |
Evaluates the lognormal probability density function. |
Retrieves machine constants. |
Evaluates Mill's ratio (the ratio of the ordinate to the upper tail area of the standardized normal distribution). |
Analyzes a completely nested random model with possibly unequal numbers in the subgroups. |
Evaluates the normal probability density function. |
Evaluates the standard normal (Gaussian) cumulative distribution function. |
Evaluates the inverse of the standard normal (Gaussian) cumulative distribution function. |
Analyzes a balanced n‑way classification model with fixed effects. |
Analyzes a one‑way classification model with covariates. |
Analyzes a one‑way classification model. |
Calculates the rational power spectrum for an ARMA model. |
Computes method of moments estimates of the autoregressive parameters of an ARMA model. |
Analyzes a randomized block design or a two‑way balanced design. |
Automatically identifies time series outliers, determines parameters of a multiplicative seasonal ARIMA (p,0,q) × (0,d,0)s model, and produces forecasts that incorporate the effects of outliers whose effects persist beyond the end of the series. |
Automatic selection and fitting of a multivariate autoregressive time series model using Akaike’s Multivariate Final Prediction Error (MFPE) criteria. |
Automatic selection and fitting of a univariate autoregressive time series model using Akaike’s Final Prediction Error (FPE) criteria. |
Automatic selection and fitting of a multivariate autoregressive time series model. |
Estimates structural breaks in non‑stationary univariate time series. |
Automatic selection and fitting of a multivariate autoregressive time series model. |
Function |
Purpose Statement |
Allows for a decomposition of a time series into trend, seasonal, and an error component. |
Performs a forward or an inverse Box‑Cox (power) transformation. |
Evaluates the beta cumulative distribution function. |
Evaluates the inverse of the beta cumulative distribution function. |
This function evaluates the noncentral beta cumulative distribution function (CDF) . |
This function evaluates the inverse of the noncentral beta cumulative distribution function (CDF). |
This function evaluates the noncentral beta probability density function. |
Evaluates the beta probability density function. |
Performs a Bhapkar V test. |
Evaluates the binomial cumulative distribution function. |
Estimates the parameter p of the binomial distribution. |
Evaluates the binomial probability density function. |
Evaluates the bivariate normal cumulative distribution function. |
Prints boxplots for one or more samples. |
Computes the biserial correlation coefficient for a dichotomous variable and a classification variable. |
Computes the biserial and point‑biserial correlation coefficients for a dichotomous variable and a numerically measurable classification variable. |
Function |
Purpose Statement |
Given an input array of deviate values, generates a canonical correlation array. |
Performs canonical correlation analysis from a data matrix. |
Performs canonical correlation analysis from a variance‑covariance matrix or a correlation matrix. |
Computes the sample cross‑correlation function of two stationary time series. |
Prints a plot of two sample cumulative distribution functions. |
Prints a sample cumulative distribution function (CDF), a theoretical CDF, and confidence band information. |
Computes a matrix of dissimilarities (or similarities) between the columns (or rows) of a matrix. |
Constructs an equivalent completely testable multivariate general linear hypothesis HBU = G from a partially testable hypothesis HpBU = Gp. |
Computes an upper triangular factorization of a real symmetric nonnegative definite matrix. |
Evaluates the chi‑squared cumulative distribution function. |
Performs a chi‑squared goodness‑of‑fit test. |
Evaluates the inverse of the chi‑squared cumulative distribution function. |
Evaluates the chi‑squared probability density function. |
Computes a confidence interval on a variance component estimated as proportional to the difference in two mean squares in a balanced complete experimental design. |
Performs a hierarchical cluster analysis given a distance matrix. |
Calculates and tests the significance of the Kendall coefficient of concordance. |
Computes cluster membership for a hierarchical cluster tree. |
Computes the variance‑covariance or correlation matrix. |
Computes a pooled variance‑covariance matrix from the observations. |
Computes the cross periodogram of two stationary time series using a fast Fourier transform. |
Returns CPU time used in seconds. |
Evaluates the noncentral chi‑squared cumulative distribution function. |
Evaluates the inverse of the noncentral chi‑squared cumulative function. |
This function evaluates the noncentral chi‑squared probability density function. |
Estimates the nonnormalized cross‑spectral density of two stationary time series using a spectral window given the time series data. |
Estimates the nonnormalized cross‑spectral density of two stationary time series using a spectral window given the spectral densities and cross periodogram. |
Computes cell frequencies, cell means, and cell sums of squares for multivariate data. |
Estimates the nonnormalized cross‑spectral density of two stationary time series using a weighted cross periodogram given the time series data. |
Estimates the nonnormalized cross‑spectral density of two stationary time series using a weighted cross periodogram given the spectral densities and cross periodogram. |
Computes partial association statistics for log‑linear models in a multidimensional contingency table. |
Performs a chi‑squared analysis of a two‑way contingency table. |
Computes Fisher’s exact test probability and a hybrid approximation to the Fisher exact test probability for a contingency table using the network algorithm. |
Analyzes categorical data using logistic, Probit, Poisson, and other generalized linear models. |
Computes model estimates and associated statistics for a hierarchical log‑linear model. |
Computes model estimates and covariances in a fitted log‑linear model. |
Computes exact probabilities in a two‑way contingency table. |
Performs generalized Mantel‑Haenszel tests in a stratified contingency table. |
Estimates the bivariate normal correlation coefficient using a contingency table. |
Computes contrast estimates and sums of squares. |
Builds hierarchical log‑linear models using forward selection, backward selection, or stepwise selection. |
Performs a chi‑squared analysis of a 2 by 2 contingency table. |
Performs a generalized linear least squares analysis of transformed probabilities in a two‑dimensional contingency table. |
Performs a Cramer‑von Mises test for normality. |
Converts a character string containing an integer number into the corresponding integer form. |
Function |
Purpose Statement |
Performs a triplets test. |
Performs nonparametric probability density function estimation by the kernel method. |
Performs nonparametric probability density function estimation by the penalized likelihood method. |
Estimates a probability density function at specified points using linear or cubic interpolation. |
Difference a time series. |
Computes the Dirichlet kernel. |
See AMACH. |
Uses Fisher’s linear discriminant analysis method to reduce the number of variables. |
Computes Gaussian kernel estimates of a univariate density via the fast Fourier transform over a fixed interval. |
Performs a linear or a quadratic discriminant function analysis among several known groups. |
Performs a D‑square test. |
Function |
Purpose Statement |
Evaluates the expected value of a normal order statistic. |
Computes empirical quantiles. |
Sets error handler default print and stop actions. |
Estimates missing values in a time series. |
Evaluates the exponential cumulative distribution function. |
Evaluates the inverse of the exponential cumulative distribution function. |
This function evaluates the exponential probability density function. |
Evaluates the extreme value cumulative distribution function. |
Evaluates the inverse of the extreme value cumulative distribution function. |
Evaluates the extreme value probability density function. |
Function |
Purpose Statement |
Extracts initial factor‑loading estimates in factor analysis. |
Frees the structure containing information about the Faure sequence. |
Computes a shuffled Faure sequence. |
Shuffled Faure sequence initialization. |
Computes a matrix of factor score coefficients for input to the following IMSL function (FSCOR). |
Evaluates the F cumulative distribution function. |
Computes a direct oblimin rotation of a factor‑loading matrix. |
Computes the Fejér kernel. |
Computes direct oblique rotation according to a generalized fourth‑degree polynomial criterion. |
Computes an oblique rotation of an unrotated factor‑loading matrix using the Harris‑Kaiser method. |
Computes the image transformation matrix. |
Evaluates the inverse of the F cumulative distribution function. |
Noncentral F cumulative distribution function. |
This function evaluates the inverse of the noncentral F cumulative distribution function (CDF). |
This function evaluates the noncentral F cumulative distribution function (CDF). |
Computes an orthogonal Procrustes rotation of a factor‑loading matrix using a target matrix. |
Evaluates the F probability density function. |
Computes an oblique Promax or Procrustes rotation of a factor‑loading matrix using a target matrix, including pivot and power vector options. |
Performs Friedman’s test for a randomized complete block design. |
Tallies multivariate observations into a multi‑way frequency table. |
Computes commonalities and the standardized factor residual correlation matrix |
Computes an orthogonal rotation of a factor‑loading matrix using a generalized orthomax criterion, including quartimax, varimax, and equamax rotations. |
Computes the factor structures and the variance explained by each factor. |
Computes a set of factor scores given the factor score coefficient matrix. |
Function |
Purpose Statement |
Evaluates the gamma cumulative distribution function. |
Evaluates the inverse of the gamma cumulative distribution function. |
Evaluates the gamma probability density function. |
Computes estimates of the parameters of a GARCH (p,q) model. |
Evaluates a general continuous cumulative distribution function given ordinates of the density. |
Evaluates the inverse of a general continuous cumulative distribution function given ordinates of the density. |
Gets the unique values of each classification variable. |
Generates centered variables, squares, and crossproducts. |
Retrieves a commonly analyzed data set. |
Evaluates the geometric cumulative probability distribution function. |
Evaluates the inverse of the geometric cumulative probability distribution function. |
Evaluates the geometric probability density function. |
Evaluates the inverse of a general continuous cumulative distribution function given in a subprogram. |
Solves a triangular (possibly singular) set of linear systems and/or compute a generalized inverse of an upper triangular matrix. |
Generates regressors for a general linear model. |
Computes basic statistics from grouped data. |
Performs a generalized sweep of a row of a nonnegative definite matrix. |
Function |
Purpose Statement |
Performs nonparametric hazard rate estimation using kernel functions. Easy‑to‑use version of the previous IMSL subfunction (HAZRD). |
Performs nonparametric hazard rate estimation using kernel functions and quasi‑likelihoods. |
Performs hazard rate estimation over a grid of points using a kernel function. |
Prints a horizontal histogram |
Evaluates the hypergeometric cumulative distribution function. |
Evaluates the hypergeometric probability function. |
Function |
Purpose Statement |
Returns the integer ASCII value of a character argument. |
Returns the ASCII value of a character converted to uppercase. |
Computes the day of the week for a given date. |
Retrieves the code for an informational error. |
Checks if a floating‑point number is NaN (not a number). |
Compares two character strings using the ASCII collating sequence without regard to case. |
Determines the position in a string at which a given character sequence begins without regard to case. |
Retrieves integer machine constants. |
Performs an includance test. |
Computes estimates of the impulse response weights and noise series of a univariate transfer function model. |
Searches a sorted integer vector for a given integer and returns its index. |
Function |
Purpose Statement |
Performs Kalman filtering and evaluate the likelihood function for the state‑space model. |
Computes Kaplan‑Meier estimates of survival probabilities in stratified samples. |
Computes and tests Kendall’s rank correlation coefficient. |
Computes the frequency distribution of the total score in Kendall’s rank correlation coefficient. |
Performs a K‑means (centroid) cluster analysis. |
Maximum likelihood or least‑squares estimates for principle components from one or more matrices. |
Performs a Kruskal‑Wallis test for identical population medians. |
Performs a Kolmogorov‑Smirnov one‑sample test for continuous distributions. |
Performs a Kolmogorov‑Smirnov two‑sample test. |
Prints Kaplan‑Meier estimates of survival probabilities in stratified samples. |
Performs a k‑sample trends test against ordered alternatives. |
Function |
Purpose Statement |
Produces a letter value summary. |
Performs Lilliefors test for an exponential or normal distribution. |
Performs lack‑of‑fit test for a univariate time series or transfers function given the appropriate correlation function. |
Function |
Purpose Statement |
Computes method of moments estimates of the moving average parameters of an ARMA model. |
Exacts maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters in a univariate ARMA (auto‑regressive, moving average) time series model. |
Computes the multichannel cross‑correlation function of two mutually stationary multichannel time series. |
Computes an upper triangular factorization of a real symmetric matrix A plus a diagonal matrix D, where D is determined sequentially during the Cholesky factorization in order to make A + D nonnegative definite. |
Computes a median polish of a two‑way table. |
Computes least squares estimates of a linear regression model for a multichannel time series with a specified base channel. |
Calculates maximum likelihood estimates for the parameters of one of several univariate probability distributions. |
Obtains normalized product‑moment (double centered) matrices from dissimilarity matrices. |
Computes distances in a multidimensional scaling model. |
Performs individual‑differences multidimensional scaling for metric data using alternating least squares. |
Computes initial estimates in multidimensional scaling models. |
Transforms dissimilarity/similarity matrices and replace missing values by estimates to obtain standardized dissimilarity matrices. |
Computes various stress criteria in multidimensional scaling. |
Computes a test for the independence of k sets of multivariate normal variables. |
Computes Mardia’s multivariate measures of skewness and kurtosis and tests for multivariate normality. |
Moves any rows of a matrix with the IMSL missing value code NaN (not a number) in the specified columns to the last rows of the matrix. |
Computes least squares estimates of the multichannel Wiener filter coefficients for two mutually stationary multichannel time series. |
Function |
Purpose Statement |
Retrieves an error type for the most recently called IMSL function. |
Performs the Noether test for cyclical trend. |
Computes the number of days from January 1, 1900, to the given date. |
Gives the date corresponding to the number of days since January 1, 1900. |
Searches a k-d tree for the k nearest neighbors of a key. |
Performs a k nearest neighbor discrimination. |
Computes maximum likelihood estimates of the mean and variance from grouped and/or censored normal data. |
Computes Box‑Jenkins forecasts and their associated probability limits for a nonseasonal ARMA model. |
Computes least squares estimates of parameters for a nonseasonal ARMA model. |
Computes preliminary estimates of the autoregressive and moving average parameters of an ARMA model. |
Computes tie statistics for a sample of observations. |
Function |
Purpose Statement |
Generates orthogonal polynomials with respect to x values and specified weights. |
Allows for multiple channels for both the controlled and manipulated variables. |
Determines order statistics. |
Tallies observations into a one‑way frequency table. |
Function |
Purpose Statement |
Computes the sample partial autocorrelation function of a stationary time series. |
Performs a pairs test. |
Computes partial correlations or covariances from the covariance or correlation matrix. |
Permutes the rows or columns of a matrix. |
Rearranges the elements of an array as specified by a permutation. |
Computes the periodogram of a stationary time series using a fast Fourier transform. |
Sets or retrieves page width and length for printing. |
Analyzes time event data via the proportional hazards model. |
Prints a plot of up to ten sets of points. |
Performs partial least squares regression for one or more response variables and a set of one or more predictor variables. |
Evaluates the Poisson cumulative distribution function. |
Estimates the parameter of the Poisson distribution. |
Evaluates the Poisson probability density function. |
Computes principal components from a variance‑covariance matrix or a correlation matrix. |
Prints a probability plot. |
Performs iterative proportional fitting of a contingency table using a loglinear model. |
Function |
Purpose Statement |
Performs a Cochran Q test for related observations. |
Forms a k-d tree. |
Function |
Purpose Statement |
Evaluates the Rayleigh cumulative distribution function. |
Evaluates the inverse of the Rayleigh cumulative distribution function. |
Evaluates the Rayleigh probability density function. |
Computes the ranks, normal scores, or exponential scores for a vector of observations. |
Computes a robust estimate of a covariance matrix and mean vector. |
Selects the best multiple linear regression models. |
Computes case statistics and diagnostics given data points, coefficient estimates |
Computes case statistics for a polynomial regression model given the fit based on orthogonal polynomials. |
Generates an orthogonal central composite design. |
Fits a multiple linear regression model given the variance‑covariance matrix. |
Computes the estimated variance‑covariance matrix of the estimated regression coefficients given the R matrix. |
Fits a polynomial curve using least squares. |
Fits a univariate, non seasonal ARIMA time series model with the inclusion of one or more regression variables. |
Fits an orthogonal polynomial regression model. |
Fits a multivariate linear regression model via fast Givens transformations. |
Fits a multivariate general linear model. |
Computes the matrix of sums of squares and crossproducts for the multivariate general linear hypothesis HBU = G given the coefficient estimates |
Performs tests for a multivariate general linear hypothesis HBU = G given the hypothesis sums of squares and crossproducts matrix SH and the error sums of squares and crossproducts matrix SE. |
Performs response control given a fitted simple linear regression model. |
Performs inverse prediction given a fitted simple linear regression model. |
Fits a multiple linear regression model using the least absolute values criterion. |
Fits a multivariate linear regression model with linear equality restrictions HΒ = G imposed on the regression parameters given results from IMSL function RGIVN after IDO = 1 and IDO = 2 and prior to IDO = 3. |
Fits a line to a set of data points using least squares. |
Fits a multiple linear regression model using the Lp norm criterion. |
Fits a multiple linear regression model using the minimax criterion. |
Computes a lack‑of‑fit test based on exact replicates for a fitted regression model. |
Computes a lack‑of‑fit test based on near replicates for a fitted regression model. |
Fits a multiple linear regression model using least squares. |
Generates a time series from a specified ARMA model. |
Generates pseudorandom numbers from a beta distribution. |
Generates pseudorandom numbers from a binomial distribution. |
Generates pseudorandom numbers from a chi‑squared distribution. |
Generates pseudorandom numbers from a Cauchy distribution. |
Generates a pseudorandom orthogonal matrix or a correlation matrix. |
Generates pseudorandom numbers from a multivariate distribution determined from a given sample. |
Generates pseudorandom numbers from a standard exponential distribution. |
Generates pseudorandom numbers from a mixture of two exponential distributions. |
Generates pseudorandom numbers from an extreme value distribution. |
Generates pseudorandom numbers from the F distribution. |
Generates pseudorandom numbers from a standard gamma distribution. |
Sets up table to generate pseudorandom numbers from a general continuous distribution. |
Generates pseudorandom numbers from a general continuous distribution. |
Generates pseudorandom numbers from a general discrete distribution using an alias method. |
Sets up table to generate pseudorandom numbers from a general discrete distribution. |
Generates pseudorandom numbers from a general discrete distribution using a table lookup method. |
Retrieves the current value of the array used in the IMSL GFSR random number generator. |
Generates pseudorandom numbers from a geometric distribution. |
Retrieves the current value of the table in the IMSL random number generators that use shuffling. |
Retrieves the current value of the seed used in the IMSL random number generators. |
Generates pseudorandom numbers from a hypergeometric distribution. |
Initializes the 32‑bit Mersenne Twister generator using an array. |
Retrieves the current table used in the 32‑bit Mersenne Twister generator. |
Sets the current table used in the 32‑bit Mersenne Twister generator. |
Initializes the 32‑bit Mersenne Twister generator using an array. |
Retrieves the current table used in the 64‑bit Mersenne Twister generator |
Sets the current table used in the 64‑bit Mersenne Twister generator. |
Determines a seed that yields a stream beginning 100,000 numbers beyond the beginning of the stream yielded by a given seed used in IMSL multiplicative congruential generators (with no shufflings). |
Performs the Wilcoxon rank sum test. |
Generates pseudorandom numbers from a logarithmic distribution. |
Fits a nonlinear regression model. |
Generates pseudorandom numbers from a lognormal distribution. |
Generates pseudorandom numbers from a multinomial distribution. |
Generates pseudorandom numbers from a multivariate Gaussian Copula distribution. |
Generates a length N output vector R of pseudorandom numbers from a Student’s t Copula distribution. |
Generates pseudorandom numbers from a multivariate normal distribution. |
Generates pseudorandom numbers from a negative binomial distribution. |
Generates pseudorandom numbers from a standard normal distribution using an acceptance/rejection method. |
Generates a pseudorandom number from a standard normal distribution. |
Generates pseudorandom numbers from a standard normal distribution using an inverse CDF method. |
Generates pseudorandom order statistics from a standard normal distribution. |
Generates pseudorandom numbers from a nonhomogeneous Poisson process. |
Retrieves the indicator of the type of uniform random number generator. |
Selects the uniform (0, 1) multiplicative congruential pseudorandom number generator. |
Generates a pseudorandom permutation. |
Generates pseudorandom numbers from a Poisson distribution. |
Generates pseudorandom numbers from a Rayleigh distribution. |
Initializes the array used in the IMSL GFSR random number generator. |
Initializes the table in the IMSL random number generators that use shuffling. |
Initializes a random seed for use in the IMSL random number generators. |
Generates pseudorandom points on a unit circle or K‑dimensional sphere. |
Generates a simple pseudorandom sample of indices. |
Generates a simple pseudorandom sample from a finite population. |
Generates pseudorandom numbers from a stable distribution. |
Generates pseudorandom numbers from a Student’s t distribution. |
Generates a pseudorandom two‑way table. |
Generates pseudorandom numbers from a triangular distribution on the interval (0,1). |
Generates pseudorandom numbers from a uniform (0,1) distribution. |
Generates pseudorandom numbers from a discrete uniform distribution. |
Generates a pseudorandom number from a uniform (0, 1) distribution. |
Generates pseudorandom order statistics from a uniform (0, 1) distribution. |
Generates pseudorandom numbers from a von Mises distribution. |
Generates pseudorandom numbers from a Weibull distribution. |
Analyzes a simple linear regression model. |
Reorders rows and columns of a symmetric matrix. |
Reorders the responses from a balanced complete experimental design. |
Computes diagnostics for detection of outliers and influential data points given residuals and the R matrix for a fitted general linear model. |
Analyzes a polynomial regression model. |
Computes summary statistics for a polynomial regression model given the fit based on orthogonal polynomials. |
Computes statistics related to a regression fit given the coefficient estimates |
Builds multiple linear regression models using forward selection, backward selection, or stepwise selection. |
Retrieves a symmetric submatrix from a symmetric matrix. |
Performs a runs up test. |
Function |
Purpose Statement |
Computes simultaneous confidence intervals on all pairwise differences of means. |
Sorts columns of a real rectangular matrix using keys in rows. |
Prints a scatterplot of several groups of data. |
Performs the Cox and Stuart sign test for trends in dispersion and location. |
Determines an optimal differencing for seasonal adjustments of a time series. |
Performs a sign test of the hypothesis that a given value is a specified quantile of a distribution. |
Computes statistics for inferences regarding the population proportion and total, given proportion data from a simple random sample. |
Computes statistics for inferences regarding the population proportion and total, given proportion data from a stratified random sample. |
Computes statistics for inferences regarding the population mean and total using ratio or regression estimation, or inferences regarding the population ratio, given a simple random sample. |
Computes statistics for inferences regarding the population mean and total using ratio or regression estimation, given continuous data from a stratified random sample. |
Computes statistics for inferences regarding the population mean and total using single‑stage cluster sampling with continuous data. |
Computes statistics for inferences regarding the population mean and total, given data from a simple random sample. |
Computes statistics for inferences regarding the population mean and total, given data from a stratified random sample. |
Computes statistics for inferences regarding the population mean and total, given continuous data from a two‑stage sample with equisized primary units. |
Performs Student‑Newman‑Keuls multiple comparison test. |
Performs a Wilcoxon signed rank test. |
Computes the Wiener forecast operator for a stationary stochastic process. |
Performs a Shapiro‑Wilk W‑test for normality. |
Searches a sorted vector for a given scalar and return its index. |
Sorts rows of a real rectangular matrix using keys in columns. |
Searches a character vector, sorted in ascending ASCII order, for a given string and return its index. |
Estimates the nonnormalized spectral density of a stationary time series using a spectral window given the time series data. |
Estimates the nonnormalized spectral density of a stationary time series using a spectral window given the periodogram. |
Estimates survival probabilities and hazard rates for various parametric models. |
Prints a stem‑and‑leaf plot. |
Analyzes censored survival data using a generalized linear model. |
Sorts an integer array by algebraic value. |
Sorts an integer array by algebraic value and returns the permutations. |
Sorts a real array by algebraic value. |
Sorts a real array by algebraic value and returns the permutations. |
Estimation of the nonnormalized spectral density of a stationary time series based on specified periodogram weights given the time series data. |
Estimation of the nonnormalized spectral density of a stationary time series based on specified periodogram weights given the periodogram. |
Function |
Purpose Statement |
Transforms coefficients from a quadratic regression model generated from squares and crossproducts of centered variables to a model using uncentered variables. |
Gets today’s date. |
Evaluates the Student’s t cumulative distribution function. |
Categorizes bivariate data and compute the tetrachoric correlation coefficient. |
Computes preliminary estimates of parameters for a univariate transfer function model. |
Gets time of day. |
Evaluates the inverse of the Student’s t distribution function. |
Evaluates the noncentral Student’s t cumulative distribution function. |
Evaluates the inverse of the noncentral Student’s t cumulative distribution function. |
This function evaluates the noncentral Student's t probability density function. |
This function evaluates the Student’s t probability density function. |
Prints a binary tree. |
Computes Turnbull’s generalized Kaplan‑Meier estimates of survival probabilities in samples with interval censoring. |
Detects and determines outliers and simultaneously estimates the model parameters in a time series. |
Computes forecasts for an outlier contaminated time series. |
Tallies observations into a two‑way frequency table. |
Computes statistics for mean and variance inferences using samples from two normal populations. |
Function |
Purpose Statement |
Sets or retrieves input or output device unit numbers. |
Evaluates the discrete uniform cumulative distribution function. |
Evaluates the uniform cumulative distribution function. |
Evaluates the inverse of the discrete uniform cumulative distribution function. |
Evaluates the discrete uniform probability density function. |
Evaluates the inverse of the uniform cumulative distribution function. |
Evaluates the uniform probability density function. |
Computes basic univariate statistics. |
Function |
Purpose Statement |
Obtains STAT/LIBRARY‑related version and system information. |
Prints a vertical histogram with every bar subdivided into two parts. |
Prints a vertical histogram. |
Function |
Purpose Statement |
Evaluates the Weibull cumulative distribution function. |
Evaluates the inverse of the Weibull cumulative distribution function. |
Evaluates the Weibull probability density function. |
Prints an integer rectangular matrix with a given format and labels. |
Prints an integer rectangular matrix with integer row and column labels. |
Sets or retrieves an option for printing a matrix. |
Prints a real rectangular matrix with a given format and labels. |
Prints a real rectangular matrix with integer row and column labels. |