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CrossCorrelationGetStandardErrors Method
Returns the standard errors of the cross-correlations between the time series x and y.

Namespace: Imsl.Stat
Assembly: ImslCS (in ImslCS.dll) Version:
public double[] GetStandardErrors(
	CrossCorrelationStdErr stderrMethod


Type: Imsl.StatCrossCorrelationStdErr
An int specifying the method to compute the standard errors of cross-correlations between the time series x and y.

Return Value

Type: Double
A double array of length 2 * maximumLag + 1 containing the standard errors of the cross-correlations between the time series x and y.
NonPosVarianceException is thrown if the problem is ill-conditioned.

The standard error of cross-correlations between x and y at lag k, where k = -maximumLag,..., 0, 1,..., maximumLag, corresponds to output array indices 0, 1,..., (2*maximumLag).

Method of computation for standard errors of the cross-correlation is determined by the stderrMethod parameter. If stderrMethod is set to Bartletts, Bartlett's formula is used to compute the standard errors of cross-correlations. If stderrMethod is set to BartlettsNoCC, Bartlett's formula is used to compute the standard errors of cross-correlations, with the assumption of no cross-correlation.

See Also