Click or drag to resize
XbarR Methods

The XbarR type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddCenterLine
Adds the center line to the control chart and returns the newly added line.
(Inherited from ShewhartControlChart.)
Public methodAddControlLimit
Adds a control limit to the chart. These can be used as tolerance limit lines or warning control limit lines.
(Inherited from ShewhartControlChart.)
Public methodAddLowerControlLimit
Creates lower ControlLimit, adds it to the control chart, and returns the newly created object.
(Inherited from ShewhartControlChart.)
Public methodAddUpperControlLimit
Creates upper ControlLimit, adds it to the control chart, and returns the newly created object.
(Inherited from ShewhartControlChart.)
Public methodAddWecoLimits
Adds lines for the Western Electric Company Rules.
(Inherited from ShewhartControlChart.)
Public methodCapabilityIndexCp
Returns the capability index c_p.
Public methodCapabilityIndexCpk
Returns the capability index c_{pk}.
Public methodStatic memberCreateCharts(Chart,Double[,])
Creates a combined XbarR chart and RChart from data.
Public methodStatic memberCreateCharts(Chart,Double[][])
Creates a combined XbarR chart and RChart from data.
Public methodStatic memberCreateCharts(Chart, Int32,Double[],Double[])
Creates a combined XbarR chart and RChart given the means and ranges for a series of equally sized samples.
Public methodStatic memberCreateCharts(Chart,Int32[],Double[],Double[])
Creates a combined XbarR chart and RChart given the means and ranges for a series of unequally sized samples.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodFirePickListeners
Invokes the pick delegates defined at this node and at all of its ancestors, if the event "hits" the node.
(Inherited from ChartNode.)
Public methodGetAttribute
Gets the value of an attribute.
(Inherited from AbstractChartNode.)
Public methodGetBooleanAttribute
Convenience routine to get a Boolean-valued attribute.
(Inherited from AbstractChartNode.)
Public methodGetChildren
Gets the list of child nodes.
(Inherited from ChartNode.)
Public methodGetColorAttribute
Convenience routine to get a Color-valued attribute.
(Inherited from AbstractChartNode.)
Public methodGetComponent
Gets the "Component" attribute value.
(Inherited from ChartNode.)
Public methodGetConcatenatedViewport
Returns the value of the "Viewport" attribute concatenated with the "Viewport" attributes set in its ancestor nodes.
(Inherited from ChartNode.)
Public methodGetDoubleAttribute
Convenience routine to get a Double-valued attribute.
(Inherited from AbstractChartNode.)
Public methodGetFillPaint
Returns the "FillPaint" attribute value.
(Inherited from ChartNode.)
Public methodGetGradient
Returns the value of the "Gradient" attribute.
(Inherited from ChartNode.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetIntegerAttribute
Convenience routine to get an Integer-valued attribute.
(Inherited from AbstractChartNode.)
Public methodGetLineDashPattern
Returns the "LineDashPattern" attribute value.
(Inherited from ChartNode.)
Public methodGetMarkerDashPattern
Returns the "MarkerDashPattern" attribute value.
(Inherited from ChartNode.)
Public methodGetSampleSize
Returns the value of the attribute "SampleSize".
(Inherited from ShewhartControlChart.)
Public methodGetScreenViewport
Returns the value of the "Viewport" attribute scaled by the screen size.
(Inherited from ChartNode.)
Public methodGetStringAttribute
Convenience routine to get a String-valued attribute.
(Inherited from AbstractChartNode.)
Public methodGetTitle
Returns the value of the "Title" attribute.
(Inherited from ChartNode.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetViewport
Returns the value of the "Viewport" attribute.
(Inherited from ChartNode.)
Public methodGetWebComponent
Gets the "Component" attribute value.
(Inherited from ChartNode.)
Public methodGetX
Returns the "X" attribute value.
(Inherited from AbstractChartNode.)
Public methodGetY
Returns the "Y" attribute value.
(Inherited from AbstractChartNode.)
Public methodIsAncestorOf
Determines if this node is an ancestor of the argument node.
(Inherited from AbstractChartNode.)
Public methodIsAttributeSet
Determines if an attribute is defined (may have been inherited).
(Inherited from AbstractChartNode.)
Public methodIsAttributeSetAtThisNode
Determines if an attribute is defined in this node (not inherited).
(Inherited from AbstractChartNode.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodOnPick
Invokes delegates registered with the Pick event.
(Inherited from ChartNode.)
Public methodPaint
Paints this node and all of its children. This is normally called only by Paint in this node's parent.
(Inherited from ShewhartControlChart.)
Public methodPrePaint
Setup chart with current settings.
(Overrides ChartNode.PrePaint().)
Public methodRemove
Removes the node from its parents list of children.
(Inherited from AbstractChartNode.)
Public methodRemoveControlLimit
Removes a control limit from the chart.
(Inherited from ShewhartControlChart.)
Public methodSetAttribute
Sets an attribute.
(Inherited from AbstractChartNode.)
Public methodSetData(Double[])
Sets the data in the control chart. By default, the data points are drawn as filled circle markers connected by a line.
(Inherited from ShewhartControlChart.)
Public methodSetData(Int32[])
Sets the integer data in the control chart.
(Inherited from ShewhartControlChart.)
Public methodSetDataRange
Update the data range, range = {xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax}
(Inherited from ShewhartControlChart.)
Public methodSetFillPaint(Brush)
Sets the value of the "FillPaint" attribute.
(Inherited from ChartNode.)
Public methodSetFillPaint(Image)
Sets the "FillPaint" attribute value.
(Inherited from ChartNode.)
Public methodSetFillPaint(Uri)
Sets the "FillPaint" attribute value.
(Inherited from ChartNode.)
Public methodSetGradient(Color[])
Sets the value of the "Gradient" attribute.
(Inherited from ChartNode.)
Public methodSetGradient(Color, Color, Color, Color)
Sets the value of the "Gradient" attribute.
(Inherited from ChartNode.)
Public methodSetLineDashPattern
Sets the "LineDashPattern" attribute value.
(Inherited from ChartNode.)
Public methodSetMarkerDashPattern
Sets the "MarkerDashPattern" attribute value.
(Inherited from ChartNode.)
Public methodSetSampleSize(Int32)
Sets the value of the attribute "SampleSize" when there is only a single sample size.
(Inherited from ShewhartControlChart.)
Public methodSetSampleSize(Int32[])
Sets the value of the attribute "SampleSize". Its default value is an array of length one containing a one, (new int[]{1}).
(Inherited from ShewhartControlChart.)
Public methodSetTitle(String)
Sets the value of the "Title" attribute.
(Inherited from ChartNode.)
Public methodSetTitle(Text)
Sets the value of the "Title" attribute.
(Inherited from ChartNode.)
Public methodSetViewport(Double[])
Used to specify the viewport location.
(Inherited from ChartNode.)
Public methodSetViewport(Double, Double, Double, Double)
Used to specify the viewport location.
(Inherited from ChartNode.)
Public methodSetX(Object)
Sets the "X" attribute value.
(Inherited from AbstractChartNode.)
Public methodSetX(Double[])
Sets the x-coordinates of the data. The "X" chart attribute of each ControlLimit added to this chart is also set. If not set, the values 0, 1, 2, ... are used.
(Inherited from ShewhartControlChart.)
Public methodSetY
Sets the "Y" attribute value.
(Inherited from AbstractChartNode.)
Public methodToString
Returns the name of this chart node.
(Inherited from AbstractChartNode.)
See Also