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SortDescending Method
Overload List
Public methodStatic memberDescending(Double)
Sort an array into descending order.
Public methodStatic memberDescending(Int32)
Function to sort an integer array into descending order.
Public methodStatic memberDescending(Double, Int32)
Function to sort a matrix into descending order by the first nKeys.
Public methodStatic memberDescending(Double, Int32)
Function to sort a matrix into descending order by specified keys.
Public methodStatic memberDescending(Double, Int32)
Sort an array into descending order and returns the permutation vector.
Public methodStatic memberDescending(Int32, Int32)
Sort an integer array into descending order and returns the permutation vector.
Public methodStatic memberDescending(Double, Int32, Int32)
Function to sort an array into descending order by the first nKeys and returns the permutation vector.
Public methodStatic memberDescending(Double, Int32, Int32)
Function to sort a matrix into descending order by specified keys and return the permutation vector.
See Also