Error Handling¶
Gets error type errorType
Gets error message errorMessage
Initializes error handling system initializeErrorHandler
Stops the current algorithm and returns to the
calling program setUserFcnReturnFlag
OpenMP options ompOptions
Integer machine constants iMachine
Float machine constants machine
Common data sets dataSets
Mathematical Support¶
Matrix-vector, matrix-matrix, vector-vector products matMulRect
Rearrange elements of vector permuteVector
Interchange rows and columns of matrices permuteMatrix
Locate and optionally replace dependent variable missing
values with nearest neighbor estimates imputeMissing
Evaluate the binomial coefficient binomialCoefficient
Evaluate the complete beta function beta
Evaluate the real incomplete beta function betaIncomplete
Evaluate the log of the real beta function logBeta
Evaluate the real gamma function gamma
Evaluate the incomplete gamma function gammaIncomplete
Evaluate the logarithm of the absolute value
of the gamma function logGamma
Return the number of CPU seconds used ctime