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ChartNode Fields

The ChartNode type exposes the following members.

Public fieldStatic memberAXIS_X_TOP
Flag to indicate x-axis placed on top of the chart.
Public fieldStatic memberAXIS_Y_RIGHT
Flag to indicate y-axis placed to the right of the chart.
Public fieldStatic memberBAR_TYPE_HORIZONTAL
Flag to indicate a horizontal bar chart.
Public fieldStatic memberBAR_TYPE_VERTICAL
Flag to indicate a vertical bar chart.
Public fieldStatic memberDASH_PATTERN_DASH
A double[] flag that specifies the rendering of a dashed line.
Public fieldStatic memberDASH_PATTERN_DASH_DOT
A double[] flag that specifies the rendering of a dash-dot patterned line.
Public fieldStatic memberDASH_PATTERN_DOT
A double[] flag that specifies the rendering of a dotted line.
Public fieldStatic memberDASH_PATTERN_SOLID
A double[] flag that specifies the rendering of a solid line.
Public fieldStatic memberDATA_TYPE_FILL
An int which when assigned to attribute "DataType" indicates that the area between the lines connecting data points and the horizontal reference line (y = attribute "Reference") should be filled.
Public fieldStatic memberDATA_TYPE_LINE
An int which when assigned to attribute "DataType" indicates that data points should be connected with line segments.
Public fieldStatic memberDATA_TYPE_MARKER
An int which when assigned to attribute "DataType" indicates that a marker should be drawn at each data point.
Public fieldStatic memberDATA_TYPE_PICTURE
An int which when assigned to attribute "DataType" indicates that an image (attribute "Image") should be drawn at each data point.
Flag to indicate a horizontal dendrogram.
Public fieldStatic memberDENDROGRAM_TYPE_VERTICAL
Flag to indicate a vertical dendrogram.
Public fieldStatic memberFILL_TYPE_GRADIENT
An int which indicates that a region will be drawn in a color gradient as specified by the attribute "Gradient".
Public fieldStatic memberFILL_TYPE_NONE
An int which indicates that a region is not to be drawn.
Public fieldStatic memberFILL_TYPE_PAINT
An int which indicates that a region will be drawn using the texture specified by the "FillPaint" attribute.
Public fieldStatic memberFILL_TYPE_SOLID
An int which indicates that a region will be drawn using the solid color specified by FillType and FillOutlineType.
Public fieldStatic memberLABEL_TYPE_PERCENT
An int which indicates that a pie slice is to be labeled with a percentage value.
Public fieldStatic memberMARKER_TYPE_ASTERISK
An int that indicates an asterisk is to be drawn as the data marker.
Public fieldStatic memberMARKER_TYPE_CIRCLE_CIRCLE
An int that indicates a circle in a circle is to be drawn as the data marker.
Public fieldStatic memberMARKER_TYPE_CIRCLE_PLUS
An int that indicates an plus in a circle is to be drawn as the data marker.
Public fieldStatic memberMARKER_TYPE_CIRCLE_X
An int that indicates an x in a circle is to be drawn as the data marker.
Public fieldStatic memberMARKER_TYPE_DIAMOND_PLUS
An int that indicates a plus in a diamond is to be drawn as the data marker.
Public fieldStatic memberMARKER_TYPE_FILLED_CIRCLE
An int that indicates a filled circle is to be drawn as the data marker.
Public fieldStatic memberMARKER_TYPE_FILLED_DIAMOND
An int that indicates a filled diamond is to be drawn as the data marker.
Public fieldStatic memberMARKER_TYPE_FILLED_SQUARE
An int that indicates a filled square is to be drawn as the data marker.
Public fieldStatic memberMARKER_TYPE_FILLED_TRIANGLE
An int that indicates a filled triangle is to be drawn as the data marker.
Public fieldStatic memberMARKER_TYPE_HOLLOW_CIRCLE
An int that indicates a hollow circle is to be drawn as the data marker.
Public fieldStatic memberMARKER_TYPE_HOLLOW_DIAMOND
An int that indicates a hollow diamond is to be drawn as the data marker.
Public fieldStatic memberMARKER_TYPE_HOLLOW_SQUARE
An int that indicates a hollow square is to be drawn as the data marker.
Public fieldStatic memberMARKER_TYPE_HOLLOW_TRIANGLE
An int that indicates a hollow triangle is to be drawn as the data marker.
Public fieldStatic memberMARKER_TYPE_OCTAGON_PLUS
An int that indicates a plus in an octagon is to be drawn as the data marker.
Public fieldStatic memberMARKER_TYPE_OCTAGON_X
An int that indicates a x in an octagon is to be drawn as the data marker.
Public fieldStatic memberMARKER_TYPE_PLUS
An int that indicates a plus-shaped data marker is to be drawn.
Public fieldStatic memberMARKER_TYPE_SQUARE_PLUS
An int that indicates a x in a square is to be drawn as the data marker.
Public fieldStatic memberMARKER_TYPE_SQUARE_X
An int that indicates a x in a diamond is to be drawn as the data marker.
Public fieldStatic memberMARKER_TYPE_X
An int that indicates a x-shaped data marker is to be drawn.
Public fieldStatic memberTEXT_X_CENTER
An int which indicates that text should be centered.
Public fieldStatic memberTEXT_X_LEFT
An int which indicates that text should be left justified.
Public fieldStatic memberTEXT_X_RIGHT
An int which indicates that text should be right justified.
Public fieldStatic memberTEXT_Y_BOTTOM
An int which indicates that text should be drawn on the baseline.
Public fieldStatic memberTEXT_Y_CENTER
An int which indicates that text should be vertically centered.
Public fieldStatic memberTEXT_Y_TOP
An int which indicates that text should be drawn with the top of the letters touching the top of the drawing region.
Protected fieldWebCtrl
A bool indicating if this ChartNode is a WebControl.
See Also