CNL Stat : Data Mining
Data Mining
Apriori — Market Basket Analysis
Computes frequent itemsets, apriori
Computes frequent itemsets using aggregation, aggr_apriori
Prints an Imsls_f_apriori_itemsets data structure, write_apriori_itemsets
Prints an Imsls_f_association_rule data structure, write_association_rules
Frees memory allocated for an
Imsls_f_apriori_itemsets data structure, free_apriori_itemsets
Frees memory allocated for an
Imsls_f_association_rules data structure, free_association_rules
Decision Trees
Generates a decision tree for a single response variable
and two or more predictor variables, decision_tree
Computes predicted values using a decision tree, decision_tree_predict
Prints a decision tree, decision_tree_print
Frees the memory associated with a decision tree, decision_tree_free
Frees the memory associated with an array of
decision trees, bagged_trees_free
Performs stochastic gradient boosting of decision trees, gradient_boosting
Genetic Algorithms
Genetic Algorithm Data Structures
Creates a chromosome, ga_chromosome
Copies one chromosome to another, ga_copy_chromosome
Clones an existing chromosome, ga_clone_chromosome
Creates an individual, ga_individual
Copies the contents of one individual into
another individual, ga_copy_individual
Clones an existing individual, ga_clone_individual
Applies mutation to an individual, ga_mutate
Decodes an individual’s chromosome into its phenotype, ga_decode
Encodes an individual’s phenotype into its chromosome, ga_encode
Frees memory allocated to an individual, ga_free_individual
Creates a population from an array of individuals, ga_population
Creates a population of randomly selected
individuals, ga_random_population
Copies a population into an existing population, ga_copy_population
Creates a copy of a population, ga_clone_population
Add individuals to a population, ga_grow_population
Creates a new population by merging two
populations, ga_merge_population
Frees memory allocated to a population, ga_free_population
Genetic Algorithm Search and Optimization
Applies a genetic algorithm to find individuals with
maximum fitness, genetic_algorithm
Naive Bayes
Trains a Naive Bayes classifier, naive_bayes_trainer
Classifies patterns using a previously trained
Naive Bayes classifier, naive_bayes_classification
Frees memory allocated for a Naive Bayes
classifier, nb_classifier_free
Writes a Naive Bayes classifier to an ASCII file, nb_classifier_write
Retrieves a Naive Bayes classifier, nb_classifier_read
Neural Networks
Neural Network Data Structures
Initializes a data structure for training
a neural network, mlff_network_init
Multilayered feedforward neural network, mlff_network
Frees memory allocated for an
Imsls_f_NN_Network data structure, mlff_network_free
Writes a trained neural network to an
ASCII file, mlff_network_write
Retrieves a neural network from a file
previously saved, mlff_network_read
Initializes weights for neural network, mlff_initialize_weights
Forecasting Neural Networks
Trains a multilayered feedforward
neural network, mlff_network_trainer
Calculates forecasts for trained multilayered
feedforward neural networks, mlff_network_forecast
Classification Neural Networks
Trains a neural network for classification, mlff_classification_trainer
Calculates classifications from a
trained neural network, mlff_pattern_classification
Preprocessing Data Filters
Encodes or decodes continuous input attributes, scale_filter
Encodes a time series into lagged values, time_series_filter
Encodes a time series into lagged values of
a nominal classification attribute, time_series_class_filter
Encodes or decodes a nominal input
attributes, unsupervised_nominal_filter
Encodes or decodes ordinal input
attributes, unsupervised_ordinal_filter
Self-Organizing Maps
Trains a Kohonen network, kohonenSOM_trainer
Calculates forecasts using a trained Kohonen network, kohonenSOM_forecast
Support Vector Machines
Trains a Support Vector Machines classifier, support_vector_trainer
Classifies patterns using a previously trained
Support Vector Machines classifier, support_vector_classification
Frees memory allocated for a Support Vector Machines
classifier, svm_classifier_free