Data Mining


Apriori — Market Basket Analysis

Computes frequent itemsets apriori

Computes frequent itemsets using aggregation aggrApriori

Prints an structure data structure writeAprioriItemsets

Prints an Imsls_f_association_rule data structure writeAssociationRules

Frees memory allocated for an

structure data structure freeAprioriItemsets

Frees memory allocated for an

Imsls_f_association_rules data structure freeAssociationRules

Decision Trees

Decision Trees – An Overview

Generates a decision tree for a single response variable

and two or more predictor variables decisionTree

Computes predicted values using a decision tree decisionTreePredict

Prints a decision tree decisionTreePrint

Frees the memory associated with a decision tree decisionTreeFree

Genetic Algorithms

Genetic Algorithms – An Overview

Genetic Algorithm Data Structures

Creates a chromosome gaChromosome

Copies one chromosome to another gaCopyChromosome

Clones an existing chromosome gaCloneChromosome

Creates an individual gaIndividual

Copies the contents of one individual into

another individual gaCopyIndividual

Clones an existing individual gaCloneIndividual

Applies mutation to an individual gaMutate

Decodes an individual’s chromosome into its phenotype gaDecode

Encodes an individual’s phenotype into its chromosome gaEncode

Frees memory allocated to an individual gaFreeIndividual

Creates a population from an array of individuals gaPopulation

Creates a population of randomly selected

individuals gaRandomPopulation

Copies a population into an existing population gaCopyPopulation

Creates a copy of a population gaClonePopulation

Add individuals to a population gaGrowPopulation

Creates a new population by merging two

populations gaMergePopulation

Frees memory allocated to a population gaFreePopulation

Genetic Algorithm Search and Optimization

Applies a genetic algorithm to find individuals with

maximum fitness geneticAlgorithm

Naive Bayes

Naive Bayes – An Overview

Trains a Naive Bayes classifier naiveBayesTrainer

Classifies patterns using a previously trained

Naive Bayes classifier naiveBayesClassification

Frees memory allocated for a Naive Bayes

classifier nbClassifierFree

Writes a Naive Bayes classifier to an ASCII file nbClassifierWrite

Retrieves a Naive Bayes classifier nbClassifierRead

Neural Networks

Neural Networks – An Overview

Neural Network Data Structures

Multilayer Feedforward Neural Networks

Initializes a data structure for training

a neural network mlffNetworkInit

Multilayered feedforward neural network mlffNetwork

Frees memory allocated for an

Imsls_d_NN_Network data structure mlffNetworkFree

Writes a trained neural network to an

ASCII file mlffNetworkWrite

Retrieves a neural network from a file

previously saved mlffNetworkRead

Initializes weights for neural network mlffInitializeWeights

Forecasting Neural Networks

Trains a multilayered feedforward

neural network mlffNetworkTrainer

Calculates forecasts for trained multilayered

feedforward neural networks mlffNetworkForecast

Classification Neural Networks

Trains a neural network for classification mlffClassificationTrainer

Calculates classifications from a

trained neural network mlffPatternClassification

Preprocessing Data Filters

Encodes or decodes continuous input attributes scaleFilter

Encodes a time series into lagged values timeSeriesFilter

Encodes a time series into lagged values of

a nominal classification attribute timeSeriesClassFilter

Encodes or decodes a nominal input

attributes unsupervisedNominalFilter

Encodes or decodes ordinal input

attributes unsupervisedOrdinalFilter

Self-Organizing Maps

Trains a Kohonen network kohonenSOMTrainer

Calculates forecasts using a trained Kohonen network kohonenSOMForecast

Support Vector Machines

Support Vector Machines – An Overview

Trains a Support Vector Machines classifier supportVectorTrainer

Classifies patterns using a previously trained

Support Vector Machines classifier supportVectorClassification

Frees memory allocated for a Support Vector Machines

classifier svmClassifierFree