Appendix A, Alphabetical Summary of Routines
A to Z
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z
Function |
Purpose Statement |
Adds two complex band matrices, both in band storage mode. |
Returns a character given its ASCII value. |
Retrieves single-precision machine constants. |
Adds two band matrices, both in band storage mode. |
Compute some eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the generalized eigenvalue problem Ax = Bx. |
Compute some eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the generalized eigenvalue problem Ax = Bx. |
Computes some eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the generalized real symmetric eigenvalue problem Ax = Bx. |
Computes some singular values and left and right singular vectors of a real rectangular |
Function |
Purpose Statement |
Solves a nonlinear least squares problem subject to bounds on the variables using a modified Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm and a finite-difference Jacobian. |
Solves a nonlinear least squares problem subject to bounds on the variables using a modified Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm and a user-supplied Jacobian. |
Solves a nonlinear least-squares problem subject to bounds on the variables and general linear constraints. |
Minimizes a function of N variables subject to bounds the variables using a modified Newton method and a user-supplied Hessian. |
Minimizes a function of N variables subject to bounds the variables using a modified Newton method and a finite-difference Hessian. |
Minimizes a function of N variables subject to bounds the variables using a quasi-Newton method and a finite-difference gradient. |
Minimizes a function of N variables subject to bounds the variables using a quasi-Newton method and a user-supplied gradient. |
Minimizes a function of N variables subject to bounds the variables using a direct search complex algorithm. |
Computes the bilinear form xTAy. |
Evaluates the derivative of a spline on a grid, given its B-spline representation. |
Evaluates the derivative of a two-dimensional tensor-product spline, given its tensor-product B-spline representation. |
Evaluates the derivative of a two-dimensional tensor-product spline, given its tensor-product B-spline representation on a grid. |
Evaluates the integral of a tensor-product spline on a rectangular domain, given its tensor-product B-spline representation. |
Computes a two-dimensional tensor-product spline interpolant, returning the tensor-product B-spline coefficients. |
Evaluates a two-dimensional tensor-product spline, given its tensor-product B-spline representation. |
Evaluates the derivative of a three-dimensional tensor-product spline, given its tensor-product B-spline representation. |
Evaluates the derivative of a three-dimensional tensor-product spline, given its tensor-product B-spline representation on a grid. |
Evaluates the integral of a tensor-product spline in three dimensions over a three-dimensional rectangle, given its tensorproduct B-spline representation. |
Computes a three-dimensional tensor-product spline interpolant, returning the tensor-product B-spline coefficients. |
Evaluates a three-dimensional tensor-product spline, given its tensor-product B-spline representation |
Converts a spline in B-spline representation to piecewise polynomial representation. |
Evaluates the derivative of a spline, given its B-spline representation. |
Computes the spline interpolant, returning the B-spline coefficients. |
Evaluates the integral of a spline, given its B-spline representation. |
Computes a two-dimensional tensor-product spline approximant using least squares, returning the tensor-product B-spline coefficients. |
Computes a three-dimensional tensor-product spline approximant using least squares, returning the tensor-product B-spline coefficients. |
Computes the least-squares spline approximation, and return the B-spline coefficients. |
Computes the ‘not-a-knot’ spline knot sequence. |
Computes the ‘optimal’ spline knot sequence. |
Evaluates a spline, given its B-spline representation. |
Computes the variable knot B-spline least squares approximation to given data. |
Solves a (parameterized) system of differential equations with boundary conditions at two points, using a variable order, variable step size finite-difference method with deferred corrections. |
Solves a (parameterized) system of differential equations with boundary conditions at two points, using a multiple-shooting method. |
Function |
Purpose Statement |
Adds a scalar to each component of a vector, x ← x + a, all complex. |
Computes the scalar times a vector plus a vector, y ← ax + y, all complex. |
Copies a complex band matrix stored in complex band storage mode. |
Converts a complex matrix in band storage mode to a complex matrix in full storage mode. |
Converts a complex general matrix to a matrix in complex band storage mode. |
Copies a complex general matrix. |
Computes the convolution of two complex vectors. |
Copies a vector x to a vector y, both complex. |
Computes the correlation of two complex vectors. |
Approximates the gradient using central differences. |
Computes the complex conjugate dot product, |
Computes the complex dot product xTy. |
Computes one of the matrix-vector operations: |
Computes one of the matrix-matrix operations:
Computes one of the matrix-vector operations:
Computes the rank-one update of a complex general matrix: |
Computes the rank-one update of a complex general matrix: |
Copies a complex Hermitian band matrix stored in band Hermitian storage mode to a complex band matrix stored in band storage mode. |
Computes the matrix-vector operation |
Computes one of the matrix-matrix operations: |
Computes the matrix-vector operation |
Computes the rank-one update of an Hermitian matrix: |
Computes a rank-two update of an Hermitian matrix: |
Computes one of the Hermitian rank 2k operations: |
Computes one of the Hermitian rank k operations: |
Extends a complex Hermitian matrix defined in its upper triangle to its lower triangle. |
Checks a user-supplied gradient of a function. |
Checks a user-supplied Hessian of an analytic function. |
Checks a user-supplied Hessian of an analytic function. |
Checks a user-supplied Jacobian of a system of equations with M functions in N unknowns. |
Computes the matrix-vector operation y ← αAx + βy where A is an Hermitian matrix. |
Performs the matrix-vector operation: |
Computes the condition number of a matrix. |
Computes the least-squares constrained spline approximation, returning the B-spline coefficients. |
Returns the value of various mathematical and physical constants. |
Returns CPU time used in seconds. |
Converts a real matrix in band storage mode to a complex matrix in band storage mode. |
Copies a real band matrix stored in band storage mode. |
Converts a real matrix in band storage mode to a real general matrix. |
Copies a real general matrix to a complex general matrix. |
Converts a real general matrix to a matrix in band storage mode. |
Copies a real general matrix. |
Copies a real rectangular matrix to a complex rectangular matrix. |
Evaluates the derivative of a cubic spline on a grid. |
Computes the Akima cubic spline interpolant. |
Copies a real symmetric band matrix stored in band symmetric storage mode to a real band matrix stored in band storage mode. |
Multiplies a vector by a scalar, y ← ay, both complex. |
Computes a cubic spline interpolant that is consistent with the concavity of the data. |
Computes the cubic spline interpolant with specified derivative endpoint conditions. |
Evaluates the derivative of a cubic spline. |
Sets the components of a vector to a scalar, all complex. |
Extends a real symmetric matrix defined in its upper triangle to its lower triangle. |
Computes the Hermite cubic spline interpolant. |
Computes the cubic spline interpolant with the ‘not-a-knot’ condition and return values of the interpolant at specified points. |
Computes the cubic spline interpolant with the ‘not-a-knot’ condition. |
Evaluates the integral of a cubic spline. |
Computes the cubic spline interpolant with periodic boundary conditions. |
Applies a complex Givens plane rotation. |
Applies a complex modified Givens plane rotation. |
Multiplies a complex vector by a single-precision scalar, y ← ay. |
Computes a smooth cubic spline approximation to noisy data using cross-validation to estimate the smoothing parameter. |
Smooths one-dimensional data by error detection. |
Computes a smooth cubic spline approximation to noisy data. |
Subtracts each component of a vector from a scalar, x ← a ‑ x, all complex. |
Evaluates a cubic spline. |
Multiplies a complex vector by a single-precision scalar and store the result in another complex vector, y ← ax. |
Interchanges vectors x and y, both complex. |
Computes one of the matrix-matrix operations: |
Computes one of the symmetric rank 2k operations: |
Computes one of the symmetric rank k operations: |
Computes one of the matrix-vector operations: |
Solves one of the complex triangular systems: |
Solves one of the system of equations: |
Performes the matrix-vector operation, |
Computes one of the matrix-matrix operations:
where B is an m by n matrix and A is a triangular matrix. |
Computes one of the matrix-vector operations: |
Solves one of the complex matrix equations:
where A is a traiangular matrix |
Solves one of the complex triangular systems: where A is a triangular matrix. |
Converts X in units XUNITS to Y in units YUNITS. |
Multiplies a vector by a scalar and store the result in another vector, y ← ax, all complex. |
Converts a character string containing an integer number into the corresponding integer form. |
Computes the sum of a complex scalar plus a complex conjugate dot product, |
Computes the sum of a complex scalar, a complex dot product and the double-complex accumulator, which is set to the result ACC ← ACC + a + xTy. |
Computes the complex conjugate dot product, |
Computes the sum of a complex scalar plus a complex dot product using a double-complex accumulator, which is set to the result ACC ← a + xTy. |
Computes the complex dot product xTy using a double-precision accumulator. |
Computes the sum of a complex scalar plus a complex dot product, a + xTy, using a double-precision accumulator. |
Function |
Purpose Statement |
Solves a first order differential-algebraic system of equations, g(t, y, yʹ) = 0, possibly with additional constraints. |
Approximates the Jacobian of m functions in n unknowns using divided differences |
Solves a linear programming problem. |
Computes the first, second or third derivative of a user-supplied function. |
Constructs a square diagonal matrix from a rank-1 array or several diagonal matrices from a rank-2 array. |
Extracts a rank-1 array whose values are the diagonal terms of a rank-2 array argument. |
Computes the 1-norm distance between two points. |
Computes the Euclidean (2-norm) distance between two points. |
Computes the infinity norm distance between two points. |
Solves a linear programming problem via the revised simplex algorithm. |
See AMACH. |
Adds a double-precision scalar to the accumulator in extended precision. |
Initializes an extended-precision accumulator with a double-precision scalar. |
Multiplies double-precision scalars in extended precision. |
Stores a double-precision approximation to an extended-precision scalar. |
Computes the single-precision dot product xTy using a double precision accumulator. |
This routine handles MATH/LIBRARY and STAT/LIBRARY type DOUBLE PRECISION options. |
Function |
Purpose Statement |
Approximates the Hessian using forward differences and a user-supplied gradient. |
Generates points in an N-dimensional space. |
Uses restarted GMRES with reverse communication to generate an approximate solution of Ax = b. |
Computes the performance index for a generalized complex eigensystem Az = λBz. |
Computes the performance index for a generalized real eigensystem Az = λBz. |
Computes the performance index for a generalized real symmetric eigensystem problem. |
Computes a Gauss, Gauss-Radau or Gauss-Lobatto quadrature rule given the recurrence coefficients for the monic polynomials orthogonal with respect to the weight function. |
Computes a Gauss, Gauss-Radau, or Gauss-Lobatto quadrature rule with various classical weight functions. |
Computes all of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a generalized complex eigensystem Az = λBz. |
Computes all of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a generalized real eigensystem Az = λBz. |
Computes all of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the generalized real symmetric eigenvalue problem Az = λBz, with B symmetric positive definite. |
Computes all of the eigenvalues of a generalized complex eigensystem Az = λBz. |
Computes all of the eigenvalues of a generalized real eigensystem Az = λBz. |
Computes all of the eigenvalues of the generalized real symmetric eigenvalue problem Az = λBz, with B symmetric positive definite. |
Function |
Purpose Statement |
Computes the Hadamard product of two real rectangular matrices. |
Computes |
Function |
Purpose Statement |
Solves a real symmetric definite linear system using the Jacobi preconditioned conjugate gradient method with reverse communication. |
Function |
Purpose Statement |
Multiplies two complex rectangular matrices, AB. |
Solves a system of partial differential equations of the form ut = f(x, t, u, ux, uxx) using the method of lines. The solution is represented with cubic Hermite polynomials. |
Initializes or finalizes MPI. |
Deallocates the space allocated for the IMSL derived type s_MPS. This routine is usually used in conjunction with READ_MPS. |
Multiplies two real rectangular matrices, AB. |
Multiplies a complex band matrix in band storage mode by a complex vector. |
Multiplies a complex rectangular matrix by a complex vector. |
Multiplies a real band matrix in band storage mode by a real vector. |
Multiplies a real rectangular matrix by a vector. |
Computes the transpose product of a matrix, ATA. |
Multiplies the transpose of matrix A by matrix B, ATB. |
Multiplies a matrx A by the transpose of a matrix B, ABT. |
Function |
Purpose Statement |
Returns, as a scalar function, a value corresponding to the IEEE 754 Standard format of floating point (ANSI/IEEE 1985) for NaN. |
Retrieves an error type for the most recently called IMSL routine. |
Computes the number of days from January 1, 1900, to the given date. |
Gives the date corresponding to the number of days since January 1, 1900. |
Solves a system of nonlinear equations using factored secant update with a finite-difference approximation to the Jacobian. |
Solves a system of nonlinear equations using factored secant update with a user-supplied Jacobian. |
Solves a system of nonlinear equations using a modified Powell hybrid algorithm and a finite-difference approximation to the Jacobian. |
Solves a system of nonlinear equations using a modified Powell hybrid algorithm with a user-supplied Jacobian. |
Uses a sequential equality constrained QP method. |
Uses a sequential equality constrained QP method. |
Computes the norm of a rank-1 or rank-2 array. For rank-3 arrays, the norms of each rank-2 array, in dimension 3, are computed. |
Computes the 1-norm of a complex band matrix in band storage mode. |
Computes the 1-norm of a real band matrix in band storage mode. |
Computes the 1-norm of a real matrix. |
Computes the Frobenius norm of a real rectangular matrix. |
Computes the infinity norm of a real matrix. |
Function |
Purpose Statement |
Computes transpose and conjugate transpose of a matrix. |
Computes matrix-vector and matrix-matrix products. |
Computes the inverse matrix, for square non-singular matrices. |
Computes the inverse matrix times a vector or matrix for square non-singular matrices. |
Computes transpose and conjugate transpose of a matrix. |
Computes matrix-vector and matrix-matrix products. |
Computes matrix-vector and matrix-matrix products. |
Computes matrix-vector and matrix-matrix products. |
Computes the inverse matrix times a vector or matrix for square non-singular matrices. |
Computes matrix-vector and matrix-matrix products. |
Orthogonalizes the columns of a rank-2 or rank-3 array. |
Function |
Purpose Statement |
Solves a real symmetric definite linear system using a preconditioned conjugate gradient method with reverse communication. |
Solves a linear, non-negative constrained least-squares system. |
Solves a linear least-squares system with bounds on the unknowns. |
Method of lines with Variable Griddings. |
Permutes the rows or columns of a matrix. |
Rearranges the elements of an array as specified by a permutation. |
Prints a plot of up to 10 sets of points. |
Prints a plot of up to 10 sets of points. |
Evaluates a real general matrix polynomial. |
Evaluates the derivative of a piecewise polynomial on a grid. |
Evaluates the derivative of a piecewise polynomial. |
Evaluates the integral of a piecewise polynomial. |
Evaluates a piecewise polynomial. |
Decomposes an integer into its prime factors. |
Function |
Purpose Statement |
Integrates a function on a hyper-rectangle. |
Computes a sequence from its cosine Fourier coefficients with only odd wave numbers. |
Computes the coefficients of the cosine Fourier transform with only odd wave numbers. |
Computes parameters needed by QCOSF and QCOSB. |
Evaluates the derivative of a function defined on a rectangular grid using quadratic interpolation. |
Evaluates a function defined on a rectangular grid using quadratic interpolation. |
Evaluates the derivative of a function defined on a rectangular three-dimensional grid using quadratic interpolation. |
Evaluates a function defined on a rectangular three-dimensional grid using quadratic interpolation. |
Integrates a function using a globally adaptive scheme based on Gauss-Kronrod rules. |
Integrates a function over an infinite or semi-infinite interval. |
Integrates a function with singularity points given. |
Integrates a function with a possible internal or endpoint singularity. |
Integrates a function of two variables with a possible internal or end point singularity. |
Integrates a function of three variables with a possible internal or endpoint singularity. |
Integrates a function (which may have endpoint singularities). |
Integrates a function F(X)/(X ‑ C) in the Cauchy principal value sense. |
Computes a Fourier integral. |
Integrates a function containing a sine or a cosine. |
Integrates a function with algebraic-logarithmic singularities. |
Evaluates the derivative of a function defined on a set of points using quadratic interpolation. |
Integrates a smooth function using a nonadaptive rule. |
Evaluates a function defined on a set of points using quadratic interpolation. |
Integrates a function over a hyperrectangle using a quasi-Monte Carlo method. |
Solves a quadratic programming problem subject to linear equality/inequality constraints. |
Computes a sequence from its sine Fourier coefficients with only odd wave numbers. |
Computes the coefficients of the sine Fourier transform with only odd wave numbers. |
Computes parameters needed by QSINF and QSINB. |
Function |
Purpose Statement |
Computes a scalar, rank-1, rank-2 or rank-3 array of random numbers. |
Generates a rank-1 array of random numbers. |
Computes the mathematical rank of a rank-2 or rank-3 array. |
Computes a rational weighted Chebyshev approximation to a continuous function on an interval. |
Computes the convolution of two real vectors. |
Computes the correlation of two real vectors. |
Fits a polynomial curve using least squares. |
Reads an MPS file containing a linear program problem or a quadratic programming problem. |
Computes recurrence coefficients for various monic polynomials. |
Computes recurrence coefficients for monic polynomials given a quadrature rule. |
Fits a line to a set of data points using least squares. |
Retrieves the current value of the seed used in the IMSL random number generators. |
Initializes the 32-bit Merseene Twister generator using an array. |
Retrieves the current table used in the 32-bit Mersenne Twister generator. |
Sets the current table used in the 32-bit Mersenne Twister generator. |
Initializes the 32-bit Merseene Twister generator using an array. |
Retrieves the current table used in the 64-bit Mersenne Twister generator |
Sets the current table used in the 64-bit Mersenne Twister generator. |
Selects the uniform (0, 1) multiplicative congruential pseudorandom number generator. |
Initializes a random seed for use in the IMSL random number generators. |
Generates pseudorandom numbers from a uniform (0, 1) distribution. |
Generates a pseudorandom number from a uniform (0, 1) distribution. |
Function |
Purpose Statement |
Adds a scalar to each component of a vector, x ← x + a, all single precision. |
Sums the absolute values of the components of a single-precision vector. |
Computes the scalar times a vector plus a vector, y ← ax + y, all single precision. |
Exits ScaLAPACK mode for the IMSL Library routines. |
Calculates the row and column dimensions of a local distributed array based on the size of the array to be distributed and the row and column blocking factors to be used. |
Maps array data from a global array to local arrays in the two-dimensional block-cyclic form required by ScaLAPACK routines. |
Reads matrix data from a file and transmits it into the two-dimensional block-cyclic form required by ScaLAPACK routines. |
Sets up a processor grid and calculates default values for use in mapping arrays to the processor grid |
Unmaps array data from local distributed arrays to a global array. |
Writes the matrix data to a file. |
Sums the absolute values of the real part together with the absolute values of the imaginary part of the components of a complex vector. |
Computes the Euclidean norm of a complex vector. |
Copies a vector x to a vector y, both single precision. |
Computes the sum of a single-precision scalar, a single-precision dot product and the double-precision accumulator, which is set to the result ACCACC + a + xTy. |
Computes the sum of a single-precision scalar plus a singleprecision dot product using a double-precision accumulator, which is set to the result ACCa + xTy. |
Computes the single-precision dot product xTy. |
Computes the sum of a single-precision scalar and a single precision dot product, a + xTy, using a double-precision accumulator. |
Computes one of the matrix-vector operations: |
Computes one of the matrix-matrix operations:
Computes one of the matrix-vector operations: |
Computes the rank-one update of a real general matrix: |
Prints rank-1 or rank-2 arrays of numbers in a readable format. |
Computes the Hadamard product of two single-precision vectors. |
Computes the inverse Laplace transform of a complex function. |
Calculates the indices of eigenvalues of a Sturm-Liouville problem with boundary conditions (at regular points) in a specified subinterval of the real line, [α, β]. |
Determines eigenvalues, eigenfunctions and/or spectral density functions for Sturm-Liouville problems in the form with boundary conditions (at regular points). |
Solves a sparse linear programming problem via the revised simplex algorithm. |
Computes the Euclidean length or L2 norm of a single-precision vector. |
Sorts a rank-1 array of real numbers x so the y results are algebraically nondecreasing, y1 ≤ y2 ≤ … yn. |
Computes the values of a spline that either interpolates or fits user-supplied data. |
Returns the derived type array result. |
Weighted least-squares fitting by B-splines to discrete One-Dimensional data is performed. |
Returns an array result, given an array of input |
Multiplies the components of a single-precision vector. |
Searches a sorted vector for a given scalar and return its index. |
Applies a Givens plane rotation in single precision. |
Constructs a Givens plane rotation in single precision. |
Applies a modified Givens plane rotation in single precision. |
Constructs a modified Givens plane rotation in single precision. |
Computes the matrix-vector operation |
Multiplies a vector by a scalar, y ← ay, both single precision. |
Sets the components of a vector to a scalar, all single precision. |
Performs the matrix-vector operation y := α *A * x + β * y. |
Performs the matrix-vector operation, A ← A + αxxT where A is a packed symmetric matrix. |
Performs the symmetric rank 2 operation,A ← A + αxyT + αyxT where A is a packed symmetric matrix. |
Searches a character vector, sorted in ascending ASCII order, for a given string and return its index. |
Subtracts each component of a vector from a scalar, x ← a ‑ x, all single precision. |
Sums the values of a single-precision vector. |
Interchanges vectors x and y, both single precision. |
Computes one of the matrix-matrix operations: |
Computes the matrix-vector operation |
Computes the rank-one update of a real symmetric matrix: |
Computes the rank-two update of a real symmetric matrix: |
Computes one of the symmetric rank 2k operations: |
Computes one of the symmetric rank k operations: |
Computes one of the matrix-vector operations: |
Solves one of the triangular systems: |
Performs one of the matrix-vector operations, x ← Ax, x ← ATx where A is an N × N packed triangular matrix. |
Solves one of the systems of equations, x ← A-1x, x ← (A-1)Tx where A is an N × N packed triangular matrix. |
Computes one of the matrix-matrix operations: |
Computes one of the matrix-vector operations: |
Solves one of the matrix equations:
Solves one of the triangular linear systems: |
Computes a smooth bivariate interpolant to scattered data that is locally a quintic polynomial in two variables. |
Multidimensional interpolation and differentiation. |
Returns the derived type array result given optional input. |
Weighted least-squares fitting by tensor product B-splines to discrete two-dimensional data is performed. |
Returns a tensor product array result, given two arrays of independent variable values. |
Multiplies a vector by a scalar and store the result in another vector, y ← ax, all single precision. |
Computes the singular value decomposition of a rank-2 or rank-3 array, |
Sorts an integer array by nondecreasing absolute value. |
Sorts an integer array by algebraically increasing value. |
Sorts an integer array by algebraically increasing value and returns the permutation that rearranges the array. |
Sorts a real array by nondecreasing absolute value. |
Sorts a real array by nondecreasing absolute value and returns the permutation that rearranges the array. |
Sorts a real array by algebraically increasing value. |
Sorts a real array by algebraically increasing value and returns the permutation that rearranges the array. |
Computes a single-precision xyz product. |
Function |
Purpose Statement |
Gets today’s date. |
Gets time of day. |
Solves a transportation problem. |
Transposes a rectangular matrix. |
Computes a two-dimensional iterated integral. |
Function |
Purpose Statement |
Sets or retrieves input or output device unit numbers. |
Handles MATH/LIBRARY and STAT/LIBRARY type REAL and double precision options. |
Minimizes a function of N variables using a conjugate gradient algorithm and a finite-difference gradient. |
Minimizes a function of N variables using a conjugate gradient algorithm and a user-supplied gradient. |
Minimizes a function of N variables using a modified Newton method and a user-supplied Hessian. |
Minimizes a function of N variables using a modified Newton method and a finite-difference Hessian. |
Minimizes a function of N variables using a modified Newton method and a finite-difference Hessian. |
Minimizes a function of N variables using a quasi-Newton method and a finite-difference gradient. |
Minimizes a function of N variables using a direct search polytope algorithm. |
Normalizes the columns of a rank-2 or rank-3 array so each has Euclidean length of value one. |
Solves a nonlinear least squares problem using a modified Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm and a finite-difference Jacobian. |
Solves a nonlinear least squares problem using a modified Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm and a user-supplied Jacobian. |
Finds the minimum point of a nonsmooth function of a single variable. |
Finds the minimum point of a smooth function of a single variable using both function evaluations and first derivative evaluations. |
Finds the minimum point of a smooth function of a single variable using only function evaluations. |
Function |
Purpose Statement |
Computes the convolution of two complex vectors. |
Computes the convolution of two real vectors. |
Obtains IMSL MATH/LIBRARY-related version and system information. |
Function |
Purpose Statement |
Prints a complex rectangular matrix with a given format and labels. |
Prints a complex rectangular matrix with integer row and column labels. |
Prints an integer rectangular matrix with a given format and labels. |
Prints an integer rectangular matrix with integer row and column labels. |
Sets or retrieves an option for printing a matrix. |
Prints a real rectangular matrix with a given format and labels. |
Prints a real rectangular matrix with integer row and column labels. |
Function |
Purpose Statement |
Finds the zeros of a univariate complex function using Müller’s method. |
Finds a zero of a real function that changes sign in a given interval. |
Finds the zeros of a polynomial with real coefficients using Laguerre’s method. |
Finds the zeros of a polynomial with complex coefficients using the Jenkins-Traub three-stage algorithm. |
Finds the zeros of a polynomial with real coefficients using the Jenkins-Traub three-stage algorithm. |
Adds a double complex scalar to the accumulator in extended precision. |
Initializes an extended-precision complex accumulator to a double complex scalar. |
Multiplies double complex scalars using extended precision. |
Stores a double complex approximation to an extended-precision complex scalar. |
Finds the real zeros of a real function using Müller’s method. |
Finds a zero of a real univariate function. |